chapter 48

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"Yeah , Yeah we'll be back in like a few hours. " Taylor says to Scott as her and Ed are Walking outside from the arena about to have Dinner with Taylor's parents.





"Taylor honey I've missed you and your mom so much." Taylor's dad comes up and gives her a hug.

"Nice to see you again Mr.Swift" Ed nicely shakes Taylor's dads hand as they all sit down in a restraint.

"So should we get straight to it? " Her dad asks as he gets a serious face. Taylor knew this was coming she just was prepared for it to be talked about now.

"Last time I saw you Ed you weren't dating my daughter.." Scott gives Ed the stink eye.

"Its been while." Ed says. Taylor could Tell he was getting nervous . she slid her hand in his under the table as her mom noticed and gave Taylor a look of satisfaction.

"How did this come about? Taylor?"

"It just kind of happened I guess."

"Now , Your A lovely boy. But let's get One thing Straight. " Scott does some find of hand gesture  in Eds face.

"You sleep with her you use protection you got that" he says very seriously. Taylor almost choked on her water as she was drinking it.

"Scott!" Andrea Hits Him on the arm.

"Dad , I'm not 16 years old."

"No , No its fine. I understand." Ed says trying to make a good impression.

Taylor POV.

"We don't want a bunch if musical babies running around. And Taylor I know that your probably being Sexually active with ed--". my dad says.

I interrupted him. I couldn't bare to listen to this talk.

"I think its time to go you ready ed?" I ask standing up.

"Scott , you didn't have to talk about this now." My mom says and grabs my hand to sit me down.

"Alright alright. Just Take care of her." He says calmly.

"Forever sir." Ed looks at me with Sweetness in His eyes . I wanted to kiss him but, it would be awkward since both of my parents are watching. so I smile slightly.




So dinner turned out pretty well we say our good byes and me and Ed go walk on a beach that wasn't too far. its dark outside and the beach was empty , it was nice and peaceful.

" Its nice over here." I say holding on to Eds Hand. Tomorrow we Head back to the states and we have to say our goodbyes to Auckland.

"Very peaceful when we don't have people constantly Telling us things."

We stand in front of the water as our feet were slightly getting washed with water waves.

"Taylor?". Ed says softly I look up to him as he stands in front of me grabbing My left hand With both of his.

"What's wrong ed?" I asks.

He Bends down on one knee still holding my hand.

"Taylor... I love you. And you know that. ." He says .

my heart was jumping . Tears were forming in my eyes. I put my hand covering my mouth in shock Ed was purposing.

" I want to spend forever with you ... will you marry me?"

he says as he pulls out a box. Nothing could ruin this moment. Tears were streaming down my face. he opens the box and inside is a beautiful white diamond ring that probably cost a lot. I loved him so much everything I could ever ask in a guy is in Ed.

he looks up at me With tears in his eyes.

"Yes! Yes! a million Times Yes!"

I yell,  he slips it on my finger and stands to his feet I wrap my arms around him as he spins me around.

I Cry and cry of happiness.

"WHAT!... WHAT !" I say looking at the ring not believing this just happened. Ed slightly laughs and is blushing. He wipes his tears and smiles.

"I Love you so much." I tell him. he pulls me into a kiss and I kiss him passionately. This was the happiest moment of my life.

Ted Sweeran ( So in love)Where stories live. Discover now