chapter 92

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Taylor POV

'Open up' I shove baby food in Cameron's mouth. I don't understand how he likes eating this I tasted it before I gave it to him and I nearly threw up Its Mac n cheese and its just awful but he likes because every time I put the spoon down to wipe his face he tries grabbing it and sticking it in his mouth his actions are very clear.

'Ahhsj' He says kicking his feet while I continue to feed him.

'What are you saying.' I ask in a baby voice smiling at him. He continued to make baby noises and spit his food at me.

'Alright that's enough your taking a bath.' I pick him up and take him a bath then dress him . I bring him to the couch and hold him by his hands while he stands on my thighs as I just talk to him about random things and how much I miss his dad already. I took a few pictures of Cameron and sent them to Ed .

I lay Cameron in his playpen and I turned on the TV and eventually fell asleep.





I wake up around 5:00 PM to crying I think I was asleep for 2 hours.

'Mommy's coming baby.' I say as I walk over to Cameron and pick up and change his dirty diaper once I'm done I kiss him and continue to hold him as I put on my shoes wanting to go get some Food and the Grocery store.

'Taylor!' I hear a voice yell across the store while I was looking for Baby food. That voice was familiar.

I turn around to see harry ....Why?!

'Oh hey!' I say trying to seem amused. I haven't talked to harry in almost a year.

'Let me guess this is Cameron.' Harry bends down and let's Cameron grab his finger.

'Yeah , So how you been?' I ask.

'Good really good actually man , Taylor he looks just like you. Nothing like Ed at all . You sure you didn't have a baby with your self.' he jokes .

'Haha funny.' I say as I turn back around and continue to look for baby food.

'you a mom . That's actually really odd . ' He says.

'I would love to stay an chat but, He's going to be hungry soon and I really don't want to go through the trouble of  him having a scream attack in the store.' I say nicely.

'Alright I'll let you do your mother thing. Nice seeing you Taylor, You look really good and I'm glad to see you and Ed doing well.' He waves to Cameron and then he's gone. What is he going over here in Rhode island? I wish Ed would just come home already.

Ted Sweeran ( So in love)Where stories live. Discover now