chapter 62

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Taylor POV.

"Ed you  smoke? Why didn't I know this." Taylor pulled out a box of cigarettes from underneath her couch cushion.

"Yeah , But I'm stopping . were did you get that?" He asks.

"From the couch . when did u stop?" I ask I can't believe I could never tell not even when I would kiss him.

"Like a couple of weeks ago .... do you mind throwing them away." He runs his fingers through his hair.

I go throw the box into the trash can. Thank goodness I hadn't known that before because people / guys who smoke are a Huge turn off for me.

I said my good byes to Ed . He's been staying at my place in LA with me since Ed doesn't actually have a house he sleeps where ever , at least this way he's with me.




Interviewer: alright Taylor one round of rapid fire then your good to go.

Taylor: Yes! I love rapid fire

Interviewer: The place you

call home.

Taylor: Ohh 100% Nashville , that will always be my home.

Interviewer: Your binging Snack?

Taylor: cake and cookies. Love them.

Interviewer: I think that's everyones.* laughs*  5 things you can't live with out?

Taylor: Um... My guitar ..... hmmm...My phone ,  Food , diet coke.... um... my cat.

Interviewer: Your cat? that's one lucky cat. Alright last one. Your Top Five most Exciting Things that's happened to you.

Taylor: Uh top 5 okay. one would be playing Gillette Stadium... Winning the Grammys... playing Met Life Stadium... Having my Fans... buying my cat...

Interviewer : *laughs* you and that cat. *laughs* alright thank you miss, Swift have a lovely day feel free to come back when ever you like .

"Aye Taylor!" I hear a boy say a very familiar voice.

"Oh hey Connor! We just keep meeting in random places." I say walking to him.

"Maybe that's a sign." he says playfully . I tried to ignore it.

"So how's it going? what you doing down here in LA?" I ask.

"You know just ... thought I should come see this side." He puts his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah good well, I should get going I have a busy day." In say and turn around. "Nice seeing you." I say and turn around to look at him one last Time.

"Wait... Why do you always leave so quickly." he lightly grabs my arm . Very gentle as he always been.

"What do you need?" I ask.

"Want time to talk.." He says and let's go of arm once again being gentle.

"Yeah... Sure go ahead talk."  I didn't know what to really say.

"Not here... let's do it over coffee or something... you doing anything tomorrow? "

"Not that I know of."

"see you tomorrow ." He says I say my good byes   and head to the SUV

Oh gosh , I didn't want to see Connor. Every time I see him memories just come back , on how good he was too me. The Fact that we broke up we never fought or argued we ended because of distance. Then I Got with harry and when that didn't end well I fell for Ed and now I'm engaged to him.

I can't deal with this right now. If I wasn't in a relationship I would have ran in Connors arms knowing that I haven't seen him in a long time. 

Ted Sweeran ( So in love)Where stories live. Discover now