Chapter 27 His Touch

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Taylor POV.

I get Dressed and Put on A Black Dress that went a above my Knees that was sheer in the back so it showed my skin in the back.

I added black Flats and put on A cat eye for makeup and Some red lipstick I straighten my hair.

I take a deep breath "Here's to a long night." I say looking in the mirror when the door bell rings.

I open it and its harry looking Very Nice. With a White Shirt Button up and a Black Coat over. wearing black Skinny jeans and Black shoes with his hair Slightly out of his face. I could smell him from the door. as I grab my bag.

"Hello... You ready?" he ask.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not really." he says.

We get there and its a really Nice place from the outside . Very fancy. Paparazzi Start to run towards us we begin to walk to the door when I feel something grabbing my hand. I look down to see harry Holding My hand our fingers intertwined. Didn't this feel familiar I ask my self . I flinch back at first but then looked to harry as he was looking down at our hands too,  I just held it. we needed this to look real anyways. His hands were much larger than Eds.

we finely get inside I was blinded by the flashes.

We get a seat in the back.

"What do you think?" he asks.

as we sit in a booth. I sit in front of him.

"Its nice." I examine the room.

We talk for a while and order food. as we are waiting we just talk very brief with each other.

"What's that?" he says pointing to my neck.  Oh My I forgot to cover it up.

"Its a... Um Bruise." I tell him

"Your possibly the worst lier ever." he says. I put a smile because he was right.

"Alright fine ...." is all I say.

"Ed... Gave that to you didn't he?".

Harry POV.

I ask her if Ed gave it to her.

"Yeah He did." she tells me . I feel crushed Knowing that Ed is doing everything I wanted to do to Taylor and She's letting him after I had tried and she wouldn't let me.

I shake my head and just look out the window. Biting my lips. I can't stand this.

"I Can't stand this" I tell her out of the blew.

"stand what?" she asks.

"This. us pretending, You know I love you and knowing your doing this with Ed my Best friend , I'm not gonna lie. it hurts."  she doesn't say a word but look down at her dress.

"You think I wanna be pretending with you? No. I would rather be with Ed."  I'm so done get up and walk outside the restraint paparazzi follow as I make my way to a park that wasn't far from The Restraint.

I put my hands though my hair pacing the Park . Its empty Just me and 2 Paparazzi. Who are hiding in a bush. they don't think I know their there but I know.

I then see Taylor Walking Down the street look beautiful in her dress. she doesn't realize I Much I miss her.

"Why did you leave?" she asks as More paparazzi show up behind her.

"I'm not in the mood." I say and walk the opposite direction.

"Harry come here please." she asks

I take a deep breath and go to her.

"What?" I ask harshly.

" We aren't supposed to be Fighting we need to look like a couple so Stop being stupid." she says in a whisper. Fine She wants to make it look like we are dating then okay. I pull her into to me and kiss her. At first she doesn't do anything. But once I place my fingers through hers. she starts to kiss me back. How I missed this. I kept kissing her. Our lips moved together perfectly just like how I remembered.

Taylor Swift POV.

No matter how much I wanted to slap him. I couldn't  we cant be caught fighting. I hate to admit this but I missed that.

Harry finally removes. and let's go of my hands .

"Like that?." he ask then walks off .

I stand there knowing what I just did was wrong... And how They got picture's of this. I touch My Lips with my hands I'm shaky and I feel like passing out. Taylor how could you... you don't cheat your not a cheater! you know what its like to be cheated on. I tell myself. I need time to think so I go sit in the grass. Not caring that Paparazzi are taking pictures at least there Not Saying anything.

I play with the grass as I feel someone come sit next to me. I look over and its Harry.

"What...?" I say quietly.

"I'm not just going to leave you out here alone..." he manages to Say.

"What you did... was wrong..." I tell him.

"I know... But , I wouldn't take it back for anything...." I can feel him looking at me.

"You knew I couldn't do anything about it... because of cameras... You took advantage of me... and used that opportunity for your own good." I look up to him. "What am I supposed to say to Ed.?" I ask him.

"Taylor I know You still love me... I know you love Ed too...  But , Does he love you as much as I love you... the WAY I love you?"  he says . what is he talking about? of course Ed Loves me.

I get up carefully and Brush my self off walking over to the swings.

harry followed.

"What now harry?" I ask.

"I Love you! don't you get it!" He yells.

"Yes I get it harry!" I fire back.

"Then Why are You Pushing me away?!"

"Because Harry,  I HAVE A BOYFRIEND. " I get in his face and walk away again as harry follows again.

"well were is he ? Because I don't see him? I'm here not him! He's Nothing! Taylor! ".  He yells.

"Don't talk about him like That! he's much better than you'll ever be! He didn't leave me like you did! he didn't kiss someone else like you did! he doesn't get drunk like you Do! He loves me! and He Shows it! You didn't even show it! You Never Show it! ". I yell grabbing my phone and dialing Eds number I need him to come and get me. we need to talk.

Harry didn't say a word.

"Ed...can you come pick me up please... " I tell him with my voice cracky.

"yes love. what's wrong? I need to talk to you. I'll there in 10 minutes." he says and hangs up the phone.

Ted Sweeran ( So in love)Where stories live. Discover now