i'm sorry

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Taylor's POV  2 weeks later

"Ed I'm sorry! please don't do this!" I yell through the phone crying.

"Taylor if you wanted us to be together you wouldn't be texting your ex boyfriend!" he yells through the phone.

"Ed please...I'm sorry".  I say I'm crying so much I don't think he even understood.

"NO TAYLOR WE ARE OVER !" and he hangs up the phone. My heart is racing I'm crying and I feel like my heart is broken.  I Never thought I would hear ed say that not just that but I lost my best friend. I lay in the corner on the floor in my living room with my knees to my stomach holding them and just crying... "I'm sorry". I wimper through my cries

Me and Connor have been texting but that's all I have told him is that I have missed him that's it. Ed should  be mad at Connor not me! Connor is the one saying that we should be together.  I wipe my tears from my face and move my bangs out of my face.

I get a call from Connor. Suddenly My heart ace seems to calm down its still there but less painful ... yes I miss him and love him but its been 7 months since we dated and now he decides he misses me.  I pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I say in a stutter still crying.

"Taylor are you alright?". he says it felt good to hear his voice again.

"What Connor?" I ask still crying. 

"I just got off the phone with your Boyfriend Ed that I didn't even know you were dating why didn't you tell Me Taylor?". He says.  Oh boy now I have both of them who are mad at me.

"I'm sorry Connor... I - I didn't want to tell you... Becuase I still love you and I don't want to loose you." I admit to him the line stays quiet for a minute.  How dare I yes I have feelings for Connor still but I also love ed.

"Taylor I want to see you." he says out of no where.

"We need to talk". he quickly follows I didn't know Connor was in Nashville.

"Yeah we do I say meet at a cafe down the street from my place." I tell him.

"Thank you Taylor see you in a bit." I hang up the phone.

Authors Note:

For Those of you who are wondering who is Connor .  His name is Connor Kennedy and him and Taylor dated back in like 2012 like 4 months before she dated HarryTaylor and Connor were actually really cute together they were always holding hands and Connor really loved Taylor :)

Ted Sweeran ( So in love)Where stories live. Discover now