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Kellin's outfit^

"Um, Kellin you look like you've seen a ghost..?" My friend Halsey said to me, as she put on lipstick.

I pointed to the screen of my phone, "look, just look." It was Vic, my Ex-Bestfriend. Everyone from school knows that we fought, but nobody knows the reason why. I sighed, changing my shirt from the white one that I just posted a picture in, and into a tight fitting crop top. I sighed, "it's Vic.."

She stopped putting on makeup, and looked, and then she winked at me,

She stopped putting on makeup, and looked, and then she winked at me,

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"Damnnn, is that Vic? He's hella hot, Kells.." She muttered, looking at the picture more than once.

I rolled my eyes, "he's changed, I can tell. Look at the haircut he's got and who's that ginger girl with him?" I said, unsure of what to feel. Vic and I haven't spoken all summer.

She pursed her lips, as she stared at the picture, "That's..Danielle Victoria. She's on the cheer squad with me." Halsey mumbled, putting on more mascara, "and you can't tell me he doesn't look hot, Kells..and plus you've changed too."

I laughed out loud,

I laughed out loud,

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"Okay, I admit it..he's sort of- wait, no we used to be really close friends I can't find Vic attractive..no." I muttered, as I turned off my phone.

She turned to me, "yeah what was that fight about, you actually never told me.."

I sighed, "let's not, Halsey?"

She shot me an awkward glance,

She shot me an awkward glance,

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"Er..right, sorry."

I shook my head with a slight laugh, "it's fine, lets just go to school now I'm done with my makeup."

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