-80- (graphic)

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Last chapter :p the side picture had me fucking dying^

AlsoO, I won't dive directly into the smut, I'll warn it with a {...} lol

3,760 likes'💀me tho'

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'💀me tho'

I snickered at the picture I'd just looked at. I'd never actually seen suicide squad hey but one of my favorite bands, 23 buspassengers,  had released a song but.... As far as superheroes and Villians went, I was clueless. Vic and I when we were like bestfriends used to read all these comic books and watch all the movies but I guess we grew out of that. I sort of know things and remember slight details about Marvel and DC, but not much. I then closed out of Instagram and took a mirror picture. I was sitting on the floor, and then I got on my knees and posed-

Just then my phone was snatched out of my hands and my waist was held captive, as Vic had attacked my neck with kisses. I giggled, when he stroked my thigh and smiled into our next kiss. He smelled just like the bathbomb, like a warm Lavender mixed with pink bubblegum. Vic then took a picture with my phone, and then showed me it, "how'd I do? Did I finally achieve at taking mirror pictures, yet?" He asked.

 Vic then took a picture with my phone, and then showed me it, "how'd I do? Did I finally achieve at taking mirror pictures, yet?" He asked

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I looked at the picture through my phone screen as Vic started drinking out of the waterbottle. I sighed, "hm..eleven out of ten, great job you're totally choking me. But it's okay I like being choked..hashtag boyfriendgoals."

Vic spit out his water from his waterbottle and that's when I laughed even more. Vic held in his grin, "t-thats not funny."

I nodded my head and grinned, "uh, yes it is." I spoke and I crossed my arms, "just face it. I need my own T.V. Show. I'm funny."

"Is not."

"Are too."

"Is not."

"Are too."

"Is not." I said, crossing my arms. Vic then picked me up heftily, and sat me facing towards him, so I was sitting directly on his lap, "are.Fucking.Too." He challenged me with a smug grin on his face. I smiled, and kissed his nose, and then his cheek, and then I trailed down to where his jaw was and I packed my lips against it.

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