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"Oh my god I know right! Vic does that too, he won't let me top." I says to Alan, stuffing popcorn in my mouth.

He chuckled, "Kellin, you were drunk and you couldn't even top with me, and I'm a bottom."

I rolled my eyes, "what and ever," I say, "tell me other things Austin does." Speaking to Alan had been surprisingly fun. He was like the sibling I'd never had. We related to so many things it was crazy! Austin and Vic were so much alike, well..some things were different but for the most part they did the same shit. And I understood Alan! He literally gets me so well.

Just then, the door creaked open, and when I glanced over I saw that it was Vic. I got off of my bed and jumped into his arms, he kissed me,

 I got off of my bed and jumped into his arms, he kissed me,

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"Hey.." He chuckled, but then he looked over at Alan and his smirk turned into a frown, "wait, what's he doing here?"

I laughed, "I'll tell you once Alan leaves." I said, hinting for him to get off of my bed. When he got the picture he'd quickly left my room, shutting the door. Vic then out me down, and rested back on my pillows. He then brought me on my lap, pulling my sweater off from over my head, and it landed on the floor,

 He then brought me on my lap, pulling my sweater off from over my head, and it landed on the floor,

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He groaned, "I was expecting nothing.."

I clenched my hands to the hem of his shirt and I kissed behind his ear, "isn't that a shame?" I whispered.

He then held my hips, as his hands roamed all over my body. I moaned, when he sat up and got on top of me instead, and I whimpered when his tounge slid into my mouth. I watched him shove my textbook to the floor as he smiled into the kiss.

Suddenly I heard the door open, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I saw that it was Alan, "you guys need anything? Snacks, a condom?"

My cheeks went red and I flung a pillow at him, "leave." I said in a playfully upset voice.

Alan threw his hands up, "fine. Better safe than sorry." He told us both, as he shut my door.

Vic chuckled, and pulled me back to where I was sitting on top of him, "so tell me, why is he here again?"

I sighed, as I got off of Vic and laid beside him, "well..my mom's getting married next Saturday and his Dad is going to marry my mom and so they're moving in."

"Oh," Vic said, "that's chill, I guess."

"Mhm," I spoke, and then a nervous smile spread across my face, "hey Vic?"


"I- um..I went shopping the other day with Melissa and picked up some things..do you want to see?"

He sat up really quick with a huge grin across his face, "fuck yeah."

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