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As I shifted my body to see who it was, I was met with a pale ginger-haired boy. He smiled warmly at me. Vic sat across from us, the fire was in the middle, and only then when the boy said, "hi." Did he suddenly look at us.

I met eyes with Vic, and breaking the contact, I smiled back up at the ginger boy, "um, hey.." I trailed off. I did this to mess with Vic. He was always messing with me, so why not do it back?

"I'm Ed." He said, still smiling at me shyly.

I took a bite of my s'more, as I nodded, "Kellin."

"I know." He said quickly.

I stared at him in confusion, "oh...?"

"Yeah, you're really popular."

I laughed, "I guess. Have you always been on the spirit squad?" I asked simply, Vic's body position faltered.

"Uh, yeah..I was always in your class, actually."

I purposely brushed my finger against his, and I smiled, looking at Vic from the corner of my eye, "oh, never noticed you."

"I've commented on a few of your pictures on Instagram," he said, "you never followed me back.


I giggled, "oh..sorry about that." I said, casually looking at Vic. He was still staring at us, and he had his jaw clenched.

Ed's face went pink, and he licked his lips, "s-so..you know the next dance is coming up, right?"

I nodded, "mhm.."

"Well..would you consider going with me?" Ed asked.

Out of the blue, Vic had gotten up from his seat and stormed off. I held in my laughter. It worked. I looked back at Ed, "maybe." I spoke, getting up. I walked to the outside showers the campsite provided and I washed myself clean. When I was done, I changed into my pajamas,

 When I was done, I changed into my pajamas,

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and then walked back to my tent.

I put my dirty clothes in a bag and I went inside, zipping it up

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I put my dirty clothes in a bag and I went inside, zipping it up.

I put my dirty clothes in a bag and I went inside, zipping it up

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Inside, I was surprised that Vic wasn't here. Oh well. I checked my phone and got out my portable charger, i'd gotten another snapchat from Halsey,

 I checked my phone and got out my portable charger, i'd gotten another snapchat from Halsey,

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I snickered, and responded with a no.

She snapchatted me again,

I laughed at her, Kells💕 is typing

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I laughed at her,
Kells💕 is typing...
Kells💕: I don't knowwww 😂 maybe..?

She responded,

Kells💕 is typing

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Kells💕 is typing...
Kells💕: I SAID 'might'

Halsey😈 is typing...
Halsey😈: ((((; oh please. You're sharing a tent.

Then I got one from Melissa,
Melissa<3 is typing...
Melissa<3: we're watching clueless and Halsey keeps texting you tell that bitch to stop and just watch the movie with me😂😂

I snorted, and started to text Halsey,
Kells💕 is typing...
Kells💕: go watch the movie with Melissaaaaa :p

I smiled down at my phone, and turned it off. Almost at the same time, Vic appeared. His hair was damp, and he looked..angry?

He glared at me, "oh were you just texting 'Ed' ?" He asked.

Oh boy.

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