-30- (graphic) pt.1

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Okay so this chapter is going to be long and there's going to be sex in it so if you aren't into that type of thing please skip it (: haha because other stories of mine with sex in them have been flagged before and it's not fun getting emails from Wattapad telling you to lock your chapters or to delete certain things haha. also, when the sex starts up i'll warn it with a "{.....}" so you'll know. And don't worry! The sex is near the end it's all fluff and games up until there lol. Sorry for the long note but I had to say thattt.


I looked at Vic. He had on a gray beanie and he wore a dark blue t-shirt. He zipped the tent back up, laying down, tugging off his pants revealing his boxers, pulling the covers over the both of us. Oddly enough, his boxers were the same shade as his t-shirt.

I thought about things, If our fight before summer never happened, I wouldn't have cared if he were in his boxers, but now? It made me feel so nervous and uneasy. Vic and I were no longer the best of friends, he was my boyfriend. I liked that there was a level of comfort that we both shared. Him being in his boxers just made me nervous, but It wasn't like I was uncomfortable. When he laid beside me, a flicker went through his cheeks and turned into an analog grin, It faded away gradually, and I watched as he slowly fitted his hand in mine,

 When he laid beside me, a flicker went through his cheeks and turned into an analog grin, It faded away gradually, and I watched as he slowly fitted his hand in mine,

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"We're together, okay? I don't want other guys flirting with you or you flirting with them back." He said, staring intently at me. He pulled my face to his, and kissed me firmly, his hands then moved to my waist, and he kissed my bottom lip, pulling away slowly after.

 He pulled my face to his, and kissed me firmly, his hands then moved to my waist, and he kissed my bottom lip, pulling away slowly after

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I shuddered at his warm touch, and we both looked up to the top of the tent. The lanter was automatic, so it suddenly switched off, and it was all darkness. The brightness of the stars were the only source of light, and still, everything was beautiful. But the thing was? I wasn't tired. Not in the least. I fiddled with the buttons on my shirt, and bit my lip.

"Are you even tired?" I asked him faintly.

He turned to me, and sighed huskily, "nah."

This was so strange. Vic and I were finally alone. I liked being in his company, it was nice. I liked the way his strong arms felt around me. I then moved so I was up under him, and he wrapped his arm around me, holding me securely. "Kellin I think I need to tell you something." Vic spoke.

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