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Filler chapter💕

"Come on Kellin get up we're going to be late." Said Melissa.

I didn't want to move. I didn't want to breathe, I didn't want to exist. What happened yesterday was a huge mess. I broke up with Vic, for something he couldn't control, and I exploded. I felt so bad now that I've said those words to him. It's not like I can take them back. It just stresses me out how he stresses me out. I can't date a guy who has a baby coming, and especially with Danielle. So that's what he had to tell me that day in the back of his car. Instead he procrastinated and the situation turned into sex. It made me cry, though how he didn't have the heart to tell me. Did he think that I couldn't handle it?

I sighed, turning to Melissa, "what?"

When she saw me she flinched, "oh honey, you're a mess."

I groaned, as I turned back to the wall, "I don't want to be alive anymore. Hand me the bleach." I said miserably, my eyes tearing up again. "Vic is going to be a father, Melissa, a father!" I shriek, burying my face into my pillow. It's bad enough that Danielle is shared with him but now this kid is going to be keeping them together. I mean I have nothing against kid but Satan is going to be birthing it! I don't trust it. I was so fucking mad, my head hurt so much just thinking about it.

"Kellin, don't you think you're being kind of childish-"

"Childish?!" I shouted, sitting up, "what and ever! How in the actual fucking hell am I being childish? I didn't fuck around with some bitch one day and brush it under the rug when the condom tore! I didn't not tell my boyfriend about my relevant baby that's coming on the way. I didn't walk around and act like everything was fine when in reality it wasn't!" I ranted, as I punched my pillow.

I winced, as I brought my nail up to my face, "my nail just broke!" I whined, grabbing the pillow and burying my face in it again, "my life is just one big D-saster!" I cried.

Melissa rubbed my back, "shh, Kellin don't cry-"

I threw my head up, "don't tell me what to fucking do! Why is it that whenever I'm mad people always try and tell me what to fucking do I'm my own person so back the fuck up and fuck the fuck off you motherfucker." I snapped, too angry to even feel anything.

Melissa sighed heavily, putting her blonde hair into a pony-tail, "Kellin you're being really dramatic-"

"How would you feel if Harvey fucked Danielle not too long ago, huh? And what if Danielle was pregnant, and you had to deal with some kid that you didn't even expect? No, no..what if Harvey didn't tell you about the kid and you had to find out through your breakup?"

Melissa gazed at me in compassion, as she gave me a giant hug, "aw, Kellin I'm so sorry.." She mumbled, "it's going to get better, I promise.." The hug actually made me feel a little better. Melissa's affection actually comforted me and it made me feel warmth and love. A friendship type of love.

She then pulled away from me and called Hayley and Halsey who were sitting in the car out front waiting for us both. "Girls, I need backup, Kellin isn't budging." She spoke.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the covers back up to my face. I hated this feeling.

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