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So it turns out, Austin had jumped into the waterfall after Vic and saved Hayley. I was brushing my teeth in the campsite public bathrooms. After Vic saved me we walked back to the campsite in peaceful silence. Some people were upset at us like Patricia and the two counsellors who were supposed to be watching us, but they'd gotten over it.

I spit into the sink and rinsed my mouth, gazing at myself in the mirror. I pulled out my phone and decided to take a picture. Thank god my phone wasn't in my pocket when I almost died. Lol.

"Hey Kitten.." Said a voice. I saw Vic leaning against the doorframe and the corner of his mouth had turned into a smirk.

"Hey Mr. Hotstuff," I spoke simply, as I posed and took a picture.

He walked behind me, and kissed my shoulder, and then he tickled my side, causing me to laugh. "Vic stop, I'm t-trying to t-take a p-picture." I giggled, when he tickles my side. I looked up at him and smiled shyly, looking away.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Take your picture."

I huffed, "um, but you're holding me.." I pointed out.

"I don't care. I don't want any guys commenting fire emojis because you're mine."

I stick out my tongue, "you're actually really cute when you're jealous, Vic."

He stiffened, "I'm not jealous. I just don't want that 'Edward' guy commenting on your pictures anymore or asking you out or sitting next to you or-"

I put my finger up to his lips, "Shh, we get it. Jealousy."

He rolled his eyes, "take the picture already." I laughed silently to myself.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "wait I thought you didn't want to come out yet?"

He shook his head and kissed me, "I don't care anymore." I then blushed at his words,as I took a mirror picture. I gathered my things and left the bathroom and held hands with Vic. We talked some more, but eventually we parted out ways as he went with Austin and some other guys. I went to go sit with Hayley, but she was too busy snapchatting Oliver. I decided to take out my phone and check on the picture,

 I decided to take out my phone and check on the picture,

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' @Vic.fuentes wouldn't let me take a picture alone. 🙄🙄🙄✨ #jealousboyfriends'

Jaimeprecadio: WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK @vic.fuentes

Oliversykes: oh

Joshdun: I'm

Mel.martinez: I like this tbh

Ed_sheeran_12: wow okay

Melissa_joanheart: hxhshwbdjxjxnxbsjjsjskznsjsjsbxbxhzjhshshsudusushzjjsjsjzhzhzhzhhshsusixjxjzjzhjzjzjzj b bbakqlsosidudidjjxjxjsusudjxjjd CALL ME

Hal.sey: ^ UM BITCH NO CALL ME FIRST TF????😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Melissa_joanheart: CALL US ^BOTH

hayleyyy_williamz: SO THATS WHAT YOU'RE DOING IN THE BATHROOM???????

Garret.wayland: I wanted to date you ):

Baller15: nice skirt(;

Vic.Fuentes: @baller15 fuck off.

Baller15: chill lmao @Vic.fuentes

I then rolled my eyes at the comments, refreshing my feed. I saw that Vic had posted a picture,

400 likes'This gun is fake and it's @Austincarlile 's but the next fucking person who flirts with Kellin I swear to god I will shoot you

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'This gun is fake and it's @Austincarlile 's but the next fucking person who flirts with Kellin I swear to god I will shoot you.'

Kylie____jennerz: you're gay?!?!?!?

I decided to comment,

Kell.inquinm: @kylie____jennerz as hell(:

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