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Kellin's room^

Kellin's outfit^

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Kellin's outfit^

I was sitting on the bed, the tiny needles going into my skin.

"KELLIN!" shouted Alan, as he burst through my door.

I shifted, causing Hayley to prick me, and blood spilled a bit, "ouch."

"sorry!" she mumbled, just relax

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"sorry!" she mumbled, just relax. And Alan, what do you want?"

He then kneeled over to my bed, breathing in and out, his orange hair all messy, "okay so you know how I said I had an idea?" he asked. It'd been a week since Vic broke up with me, and I was dealing with this by letting Hayley do acupuncture on me. Vic honestly didn't text or call me at all. It's like he blocked me from his life, literally. He blocked me on all social medias and he avoided me all the time. It just stung me to know that he could actually do these things to me, and it just stung me to know that he wouldn't believe me. I mean, who the fuck did Danielle's DNA test and how come no one's said anything? Maybe that baby really is Vic's. Maybe all of this was none of my business.

"I'm getting acupunctured right now, leave me alone, Alan." I spoke, with my eyes shut.

"Kellin, I know a way that you could get Vic back. Okay so I have this tape recorder, right? Danielle gossips a lot to her friends in the girls locker-room's. Maybe I can sneak into there, get something along the lines of the baby she's having, and then i'll just give it to you and you can show it to Vic."

I then sat up, the small needles falling form my neck, "you know, that might actually work." I said, but then I cringed, "wait..wait, no, Alan what if somebody catches you in the girls lockers and you get suspened, or a detention?" I asked, as I crossed my arms.

"Kellin's right, you could get in a lot of trouble for that type of thing," said Hayley. Long story short, Hayley, Halsey, and Melisaa all know that Vic broke up with me. No, the entire school new and the guys and girls have been flinging themselves at Vic and I've had to watch it happened the whole week. It was just horrible. I couldn't think, I couldn't even do my homework right, I just felt so sick. It's not like life without Vic was nothing, but it's pretty close. I realized that I loved him a lot more than what I thought I didn't. I just wanted to be with him more than anything, I missed him.

Alan shrugged his shoulders, playing with the tape recorder, "no, I want to repay you for basically causing your whole break-up. I don't want Vic to punch me in the face again, he hits really hard."

"oh," I said, "but just know you don't have to do this. And why did you go out of your way to find a tape recorder when you could've just used a phone?" I pointed out.

"With phones it's easy to delete stuff, but with this it's harder to do that type of thing since nobody hardly uses them anymore."

Hayley nodded, "smart."

~~~time skip~~~

I decided that I couldn't deal with Danielle anymore, so I quit the cheerleading squad, and so did Halsey and Melissa. I couldn't even face the fact of being in the same room with Vic anymore, so I dropped out off the spirit squad. Melissa and Halsey had joined the tennis squad and encouraged me to join with them, but I declined. Just everywhere I went there was drama and I was just so sick and tired of it so I joined a club that nobody I was friends with was in.

Principal Mc,Kinnon looked up at me with a smile, "there you go, Kellin. Fourth period Drama."


"Honey, why are you quitting the spirt squad? I thought that Kellin was there and aren't you two like, in love?" Danielle said sweetly, but her voice was like venom.

I was getting so tired of her. She complained every minute and she called me pet names and I was about to loose my mind. We were sitting at lunch, at this table alone. I saw Kellin look at me quickly, as he sat at the table where all my friends were. The moment happened so quick that I wasn't even sure that it happened. God..i swear when his pretty green eyes looked into mine I wanted to just run over there and apologize for everything. I was so upset when I saw the picture and I needed to think, but Kellin didn't let me do that, so instead I let all my stress and anger out on him. I wasn't even mad at the picture to be honest, I was just upset that he didn't tell me, and the fact that Danielle was driving me nuts that day. I never meant for us to break up, I really didn't. I remember that day when I ran down the stairs, and when I saw Alan sitting down at the kitchen table I punched him in the face out of anger. The picture had riled me up so much, but it happened. I couldn't do anything about it, so why be so upset about it anymore? I just missed Kellin so much. I missed him restricting me whenever i'd touch him, I miss his laugh, I miss his smile..shit, I had it so bad. But Kellin probably doesn't even give a shit about me, right? I practically pushed him away that day in the hall. What if I was the one for him, but he wasn't the one for me? We'd both changed so much since last summer, I just wanted Kellin back, and not in a friendly way. I wanted to be in a relationship with him. The feeling I felt right now was so similar to when the time he'd fallen down the waterfall. It's like, my heart had lost it's feeling and I didn't want to believe it. I'd gotten so good at hiding my emotions that I'd forgotten how to express them. Let's face it, he'd never take me back-

"Um, hello?" a voice said, and looking up I saw that it was Gee. She glared at me, as she flipped her short black hair and crossed her arms, "uh, Dani was talking to you."

I then turned to Danielle, "what?" I snapped.

"Honey, I asked you what classes you had next since you dropped the spirit squad."

The bell then rang, finally. I then rolled my eyes and got up, throwing away my tray, "Drama, fourth period." I said, leaving her and her annoying friends.

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