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I don't have a pic for this chapter so enjoy my favorite Melanie Martinez song lol^

The bus ride was nice. I mostly spoke to Hayley about her and Oliver and we just talked about nothing. Vic kept on texting me on the bus through snapcaht,

Vic💯 is typing...
Vic💯: hey kitten

I opened it, but I didn't reply. I looked out the window at the scenery passing by. It was so nice. Hayley fell asleep on my shoulder so I decided not to wake her up or anything.

Suddenly, my phone lit up again.

Vic💯 is typing...
Vic💯: oh so you're ignoring me now

Kells💕 is typing...
Kells💕: oh so you're being an asshole now?

Vic💯 is typing...

Kells💕 is typing...
Kells💕: you're stupid😂

Vic💯: come to the back of the bus with me😏👌🏻🙈🔥

Kells💕: uhhhh no lol

Vic💯: why not? 😏😏

Kells💕: I'm still mad

Vic💯: ahh come on babe don't be like that🙄😞


Kells💕 is typing

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Kells💕 is typing...
Kells💕: ???? Um

Vic💯 is typing...
Vic💯: what'd you expect me to say?

Kells💕: nothing..

Vic💯: look Kellin I'm really sorry about going behind your back and reporting Danielle without your permission it's just when I saw those texts I got so fucking mad I didn't even know what to do okay?

Vic💯: but I don't like it when you're upset with me so can we just move on with this?

Kells💕: fine..🙄🙄🙄😒 ✨
Kells💕: no it's my fault too I exploded at you for no reason I should've told someone..
Kells💕: you're forgiven...😝

Vic💯 is typing...
Vic💯: sweet😏

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