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^no side picture but my favorite The Story So far song(:💕

Oh and i'm sorry about the last chapter??I kind of didn't like it... i felt like Vic wasn't really his character😂 was it okay?? i think it was too much fluff???

Ohhh and also this is the second to last chapter after this the story's going to endd<3 Thanks so much for voting and commenting and adding it to your reading lists, it means a lot and YOU GUYS ARE SO FUNNY I READ THE COMMENTS ALL THE TIME WHEN I UPDATE AND I'M LIKE ASDFGHJKL ME TOO OKAY. Alright i'm gonna try and make the last two chapters really long.✨✨✨

Kellin's outfit^

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Kellin's outfit^

All of us were in the arcade area. It was huge, too. There were different gaming machines everywhere and right now, Hayley was beating my ass at air hockey.

"Boom!" she cheered, "I won!" I rolled my eyes in fake anger but quickly congradulated her after. The time I spent with Hayley was actually the best. Out of all my friends, I could safely say that Hayley was one of my favorites. We just clicked together and I couldn't really explain it. Halsey, Melissa, and Melanie didn't feel like coming to the arcade so it was just us two. I didn't mind, though..Oliver and Vic came with us.

Hayley then sighed, "do you think that Oliver is my paramour?"

I looked at her confusingly, as we both stopped to sit at a random bench, "paramour?"

"You see my dilemma is just terrible..."

"English, Hayley, English." I spoke, with a faint laugh.

Her eyes then flickered up to mine, and she twisted a strand of her electric red hair into her pale finger, and exhaled deeply, as she drank her soda, "well the definition of paramour is like a lover, but like a very intense one."

"...where are you going with this?"

"I feel like he doesn't appreciate me. I mean I see you and Vic-"

"Nope. Don't do that. You can't compare my relationship to yours, you're just gonna get even more upset, you know? Look Oliver is basically a mixture of Jaime and Vic. He's more on the Jaime side but he has Vic's cockiness and if you show him that you don't really care much about him, instead of always smothering him, he'll all-of-a-suddenly start worrying about you, and he might value you more."

Her eyes lit up, "fuckin' genius." she grinned.

"I hope you're talking about us," I heard Vic say, as he walked up to us, with Oliver beside him. He was wearing a dark muscle t-shirt with tight blue jeans and a black beanie, his hair messily done but for some reason it sort of suited him. I saw that he had a huge blue stuffed bunny in his right arm, "oh, and I won you something."

I got up form the seat, as he handed me the cute bunny, "aw..it's adorable Vic, I love it." I smiled up at him, and he kissed my cheek.

Oliver then chuckled, looking over at Hayley, "what about you, love? I won you a necklace." he said, as he threw to Hayley a chained necklace with a heart lock.

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