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"Okay so the dance is on Friday. We've already got the music set, the food and drinks, tickets handled, and decoration. The only thing we're missing is the banner. Kellin and Vic, how's that going?" Asked Patricia.

"Um.." I trailed off, "we're almost done. It's going to be really pretty, plus Vic's a painter you've got nothing to worry about." I said to her. She nodded at me and gave me another time limit and then we were off to work on our tasks some more. Vic and I joked around, but for the most part his seriousness surprised me. He could be a really nice partner to work with when he's not being a complete asshole. We talked about a lot of things during class. I got to know him a little better and boy, had he changed a lot. He wasn't into Anime as much as he used to be, now he hardly watches it. His favorite color changed from black to blue. He hates the indoors, and he also hates liars. The last one made me laugh because he's dating one. I had a question though. It made no sense how he'd excessively flirt with me. Did he like me? Because it sure was fucking with my emotions. I noticed he didn't bring Danielle up, like at all. When class ended I said my goodbyes to Vic and I went to the bathroom. I didn't have to use it but I needed to check myself. When I opened the bathroom door and looked at myself in the mirror, I heard moans.

They were quiet ones, but I still heard them. I was curious. Was someone having sex in the schools bathroom, really? I slowly walked over to the stall to see what it was, and o nearly gasped out of shock,

 Was someone having sex in the schools bathroom, really? I slowly walked over to the stall to see what it was, and o nearly gasped out of shock,

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