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"What..what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice shaky. Seeing him, made all the memories of him and I hooking up, come back. It was like I was having a cringe attack. I remember him kissing me and me kissing him and us touching each other's parts..it all came back. But we're both bottoms! I didn't understand how that even couldn't worked. He looked up at me with his blue eyes.

His face went pink, and he stuttered, "m-my da-"

"Kellin is that you?! Sweetie! I want to introduce you to my new fiancé!" My mother sang, as she walked into the living room to where Alan and I were. She was holding hands with a man I knew all-too-well.

"Wait," I paused, "Brandon?"

My mother looked at me confusingly from the both of us, "you two know each other..?"

Brandon chuckled, looking at me. I really hope he doesn't bring up the club thing, my mom hates that type of lifestyle, she's super conservative.

"Yeah, no..I met Kellin one morning in the living room while you were asleep."

God bless fucking Brandon.

My mother laughed, "well alright," she spoke, and then she waved her finger, and a diamond shone in the light,

My mother laughed, "well alright," she spoke, and then she waved her finger, and a diamond shone in the light,

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"That's so pretty.." I said softly, as I admired my mother's ring. It wasn't like I was upset to see her getting engaged, my dad had taken off when I was really little so I don't remember much about him, if he even existed anymore.

Brandon then kissed my mother, "we're getting married next Saturday."

"What?" Alan  and I said at the same time.

"And that's my son Alan," Brandon laughed deeply. He and my mother had then walked into another room and soon, Alan and I were alone. It was really quiet, and we just looked at each other for a second.

"Do you remember?" Alan asked, breaking the peace.

My lips were dry, as I hesitated, "never happened." I said quickly, as I then rushed past him up the stairs.

"Kellin, wait!" He called out from behind me.

I turned to him, "hm?"

"I know you and Vic broke up..was it because he saw that picture of us making out?"

I relaxed my body and gave him a hug. Alan was too good for this world, "no, Alan. He didn't," I say, and then pulling back, "don't worry about it, okay?"

Alan nodded, and smiled lightly, "t-thanks." He spoke, as he walked back down the steps.

Time to cheer at a football game with a bunch of bitches I hate and my mad Ex-boyfriend that thinks his Ex-girlfriend is pregnant with his fucking baby when in reality it's her current boyfriend's. Fun.

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