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Kellin's outfit + the shirt is a white crop top and he's wearing converse^

The rumors had been spreading like wildfires. Soon, everyone knew about what happened between Vic and I. People were saying that we kissed, even though we didn't, and half of this was because of Danielle, the casual bitch. It's funny how people change.

I walked up to the door for Spirit squad and when I came inside, almost everyone turned at looked at me. There was whispering, not really laughing, to my surprise Patricia explained that we needed to start on the murals for our next dance, it was going to be a consume party.

I was so adamant on talking to Vic. There were so many things that happened that I didn't want to talk about at all. Some people are even spreading rumors that Vic's a player for kissing me. But then again, it wasn't even my fault, he was going to kiss me! I was procrastinating on whether or not I should just go over to Vic and sit with him, or wait for him to come to me, but getting over myself, I went over to Vic.

He was sketching something roughly on the paper, and when I squirmed my eyes to see, I saw that it was a very detailed rose, except the petals were on fire.

"That's so pretty," I said softly.

Vic looked up at me, and then back down at his paper, "thanks."

What? No 'thanks kitten' or anything perverted? No smirking?? What's with him? According to Jessica from the swim team, he's still with Danielle. I sighed, as I slowly grabbed a chair and faced his desk, and I crossed my legs.

"Vic?" I spoke.

He looked up at me again, his face looking pained, "what, Kellin?" He sighed, throwing the pencil down into the desk harshly. I flinched.

"I'm sorry about last night, okay?" I said, "but how Danielle treated me was wrong." I pointed out.

Vic frowned, "I know she called you a.." He exhale heavily, "I hate that word." He looked me in the eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why did you let her call me those things? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't know what to say everything moved so fucking fast."

"You didn't see if I was okay after?"

"You aren't my Boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes, "you're not even my friend. Where'd you get Boyfriend?" I snapped at him. I shook my head angrily , "it's..I don't like it either. But..Vic don't be mad at me you caused this-"

"I was tipsy." He said. That stung. But I shouldn't have been hurt. Why would he want to be with me? He's rejected me before I don't know why I got even the least bit of courage yesterday night.

I shook my head again, "forget this...I should've never spoken to you again, I'm sorry." I said, as I started to get up.

"K-Kellin wait." It was Vic, and he rolled his eyes stubbornly, "I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry for trying to kiss you I know you're dating Josh and I'm dating Danielle and it's all really dumb. Can we just.." He sighed, "go back to being friends? We don't even have to be 'bestfriends' but all I ask is for us to be atleast friends?"

I nodded, unsure of what to say. He shouldn't still be with Danielle, though. She's cheating on him with 'Dave' and she kicked him out of her house. That's another thing that got me thinking, why wasn't he at his own house? Who knows.

"So is that a yes?" He asked, the corners of his mouth quirked up into a twisted grin. He was back.

I smiled shyly, "friends." Only friends.

He smiled cooly, "Sick. So you coming to my house after school or what?"

I blinked twice, fixing my blue skirt, "what?" That threw me off.

He chuckled, playing with his pencil, "we have to work on the project."

I shrugged, "do you even have an easel?"

He narrowed his eyes, "of course I have an easel what are we in sixth grade using our fingers? I have an easel."

I held in my laugh. "Right.."


Hands covered over my eyes, "peekaboo," Josh whispered from behind me

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Hands covered over my eyes, "peekaboo," Josh whispered from behind me. I smiled sheepishly at him, as he sat right next to me. It was lunchtime and I was sitting at a table with everyone. The rumors were still crazy though. Mel, Halsey, and Hayley didn't really care much and I was grateful for that.

"Hey josh," I said, pecking him on the cheek.

"Ooh a kiss?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled, he's such a moron,  "yes, a kiss."

I heard Vic cough from the other end of the table, "so did anybody see that game last night?" Soon, the table was full of chatter, thanks to Vic. I didn't really want to engage in the girls' conversation. I just thought about everything.

Josh then held my hand, "so how about I take you out tonight, somewhere special?"

I didn't want to. Josh was great, but he was starting to annoy me. He was a great boyfriend I just was not interested in him anymore and a lot of the times it felt like I was faking it with him. I searched my mind for an exuse, "can't. I'm going over Vic's." I said simply, taking a bite of lettuce from my salad.

Josh scoffed, "you're hanging out with him, over me?" He sounded upset.

I shrugged, "we're both on the spirit squad, it's kind of mandatory, Josh."


"What about tomorrow?" I asked, trying to make him feel better.

"Can't, Tyler and I are going to hang out."



"Ugh, okay I get it. Tyler, tyler, tyler." I wasn't upset at Josh it just..I had to get away from all the tension. The rumors, Vic, Danielle glaring at me, it was too much.

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