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"This is all your fault." I grumbled, as I beat on the bare of the jail cell. We had gotten arrested and the cop took us to a temporary lock-down, and we were stuck here until our parents had gotten here. Vic and I had been placed in a cell with Vic, across from us was Jaime, Oliver and Austin. But they were in another room.

"You're the one who decided to come outside and checkup on us." Vic said to me, with that same annoying smirk he had, his back against the wall.

I rolled my eyes, as I sat on the prison bench, "what and ever."

Vic threw his hands up and batted his eyelashes, "what and everrr."

I glared at him, "I do not sound like that."

"I do not sound like that," he mimicked me in a high-pitched voice.

I huffed, as I straightened out my light pink sweater, fixing my thigh-high socks, "you're a bully." I said to him.

Vic laughed, and unfolded his arms, "whatever you say, Kitten."

I scoffed, "shut the fuck up, I'm not an animal."

He grinned, "okay, Kitten.."

"Ugh, you're so annoying!"

"Kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten-"

"Oh my god, Vic you're acting five." I spat. Clearly annoyed.

Vic rolled his eyes, and was quiet for a moment, until he walked over to me and poked my side, "kitten."

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away as I stood up, "I wish Josh were here.." I trailed off. It was a lie. A half-way lie. I only wanted Josh to be here so there wouldn't be any tension between Vic and I being alone.

He shrugged, and then there was that face he had. It was Vic's jealous face, I remember. But what was he jealous of? "What do you see in Josh anyway, he's not your type?" Vic started, "you'll get bored of him, you know."

I hesitated, looking up at him, "what do you see in Danielle? She isn't your type either. She'll wear you out." I blurted. My mouth started moving and the words were forming and it's like I couldn't control them. But before Vic could say anything else, I heard the door to the room unlocking in a click.

The officer was in a blue uniform, and he walked up to our cell and unlocked it. "Come with me." He said to me. I shot Vic a confusing look and we both followed him out of the cell room and back into the main office, and I was faced with my mom. Oh no.

She had a pissed of expression, with her hands on her hips, "thank you, officer." My mom said, and the officer left.

She glared at me, "I-I'm sorry mom this isn't what it looks like I-"

"Kellin was just trying to help me and my friends get out of some trouble, it's not his fault." Vic said. I looked at him, why was he defending me?

My mother pursed her lips, looking from me to Vic, "I don't buy it, but Kellin if you ever get arrested again you're going to be grounded for three months, no social media, no trips to the mall, no nothing, got it?"

I gulped, "got it." I said softly. I couldn't even look at Vic right now, I was just so pissed. My mom was hardly ever mad at me. Vic's parents came to get him and I heard the whole lecture as I walked out of the police station, there was so much shouting and Vic kept apologizing, it was actually pretty funny. When I got home my mom seemed to have gotten over it so I went up to my room, took a bath, washed my hair, and threw on a pink silk night-dress and fell asleep.

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