-46- (graphic)

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The back of Vic's car^

Haha boom it's a sex chapter. Wtff you thought I'd ruin a perfectly good date?? Hmm no. I feel like this is going to be a biiiiiiit more graphic than last time so um, skip it if you get uncomfortable.

Also,, HOLY SHIT THIS BOOK JUST HIT 2K I'M. Kay, back to the story.

379 likes'This asshole took me to a haunted house and bought me stuff after😂💕 he also stole my flower crown'

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'This asshole took me to a haunted house and bought me stuff after😂💕 he also stole my flower crown'

"Will you ever give me my flower crown back?" I laughed. We were in the back of Vic's car. When we'd gotten out of the haunted house we played in the arcade a little and when he was getting hungry he bought pizza, and brought it back out to the car, and in the back there was a large blanket and two pillows. The date was so perfect, I don't think anything could ruin it.

Vic wore my flower crown almost the entire day, "nah, I think I like it.." He said, as he focused on his phone. He was playing some shooting game.

I chuckled at him, and locked my phone, and held his hand, "so what were you going to tell me? It's been all day."

He hesitated, putting his phone aside. He then laced our fingers and pulled my face into his, kissing me,

 He then laced our fingers and pulled my face into his, kissing me,

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(Like that^)

"Don't worry about it, Doll.."

I moaned against his lips, and he held me up and pressed me up against the wall of the car. He was just moving so fast I didn't know what to do. He then slid his hand up my skirt and slapped my ass, as he gave me a hickie on my neck.

"A-ah.." I moaned, when Vic ran his finger over my tip through my skirt. I felt him harden against me,


And he groaned, "Kellin.." Pulling down my skirt and bringing me into his mouth. I bawled my fists, throwing my head back. He then grabbed my thigh, and set me down against the comforter, and putting his lips around my length again. I sighed, "a-ah..o-oh m-my"

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