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Kellin's room ^


It was the night of the carnival and Alan was acting really strange, "oh come on, Kellin you said that you wanted him back." He says to me.

It was true, I asked for Alan's help on getting Vic back and he told me that I should go with a new look to woo him over. I then suggested something different and here we were, sitting on my bed, with his hands still in my hair. Honestly I didn't know what the fuck he was doing but if it was going to get Vic's attention, I didn't care.

Sure, I was supposed to be going to the Carnival with Ed, but that was nothing. Ed was cute and I liked him, but only as a friend. I'd only be dancing with him it's not like he has actual feelings for me. I sighed, "hey step-brother, you done yet?"

"Almost." Alan says, "I'm literally copying the way the Austin cuts his hair-"

"What do you mean?! I don't want Austin's hair."

He chuckled, "you're going to like it, I swear.."

~~slight time skip~~~

I groaned at myself, as I stared into the mirror,

"Alan, I look ridiculous when I let you do my hair I didn't mean doing it like this!" I yelled at him, and then I looked at the leather jacket, "this isn't me

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"Alan, I look ridiculous when I let you do my hair I didn't mean doing it like this!" I yelled at him, and then I looked at the leather jacket, "this isn't me." I grumbled, "I don't like it."

Alan smiles, "exactly. Now take off the jacket and give me your arms." At first I argued with him and asked him why because he was being an idiot. I just told him I needed a little help with what to wear but he was going all out, it sort of scared me of how he was so into this. Eventually, I let him see my arms, and I watched as he looked up images of tatooes, printed them out on clear paper, and applied them to my arms and neck. This was so weird! He then put some fake piercings to my lips and I winced when they snapped against the skin of my lips.

"Alan what in the actual-"

"Sh, I'm working!" He spoke, getting behind me. I was now sitting on the chair in front of my vanity mirror and he had a blind-fold over my eyes. This sucked, I really wanted to see what was happening. I then heard a snip, I faltered.

"I have a bad feeling about this, you seem so excited.."

"What and ever."

I scoffed, "hey that's my thing!" I yelled playfully, hitting him from behind. Alan laughed at me, and that's when I heard another snip.

"Are you cutting my hair?" I asked suspiciously, when I heard something being sprayed onto it as well. But Alan didn't answer me and it was starting to piss me off. He'd basically clothed me into something that I wouldn't usually wear, and gave me fake tatoos. He wouldn't tell me why, though.

"Okay, okay. Take the blindfold off." He directed me. I was way too scared to, but instead I did, and I had the most shocked expression when I looked in the mirror. It faded away, though, my shocked-like state. And it turned into admiration. I've never ever looked like this before,

 I've never ever looked like this before,

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"A-Alan..what'd you do?"

Alan then smirked, "come on, let's go to the carnival."

Next chapter will be long and I think I'm going to do something..contacting a bunch of ref's ((;

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