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Kellin's outfit ^

I hated hot days like this. I just hated them. The sun was beating down on my skin and I was biting like a freaking egg on a sidewalk. I was sitting in the spirit-club room and we were discussing our field trip. Since we all had helped out for the dance, we were all going to be getting rewarded. After that field trip, we had to plan the next dance, near the fall time. Patricia groaned, "okay I get it, nobody's down to go on a girl trip camping, but it's all we can afford."

"It's not fair, I busted my ass for that dance, I escorted DisneyLand." Said one random kid in the back.

She married her eyes at him, "well do you have Disneyland money?" She said sharply back at him.


She nodded, "yeah that's what I thought. Anywho. I've already paired you guys with the person you're going to be sharing tents with.,two teacher voulenteers are going to be there, too to help us, I guess. Also, unfortunately according to the rules, there has to be same-sex pairings when it comes to the tents. The tents are really small, only big enough for two people. So I'll start the roll I organized everyone in..." She said, "oh, and the trip is next Monday, so start get prepared."

I turned to Hayley, "well shit, I wanted to be with you." I pouted.

Hayley nodded, and sighed, "same..but hey it's just a tent. Doesn't mean we won't be together."

I nodded, "true.."

"Kellin can you move this two boxes out of the room? We don't need them anymore since the dance is over." Patricia spoke to me, getting my attention.

I got up, "okay-"

"I'll help." Vic spoke, from all the way across from where I was sitting. He then walked over to me and Patricia didn't really care much. She just kept on calling the partners.

We got out into the hallway, and it was quietness. I was still sort of upset at him for leaving me the other day for no reason. When we got into the storage room, I set my box down, and was about to walk out the door, but I felt him grab my waist back. I shivered, feeling his breath on the back of my neck, "what's wrong?" He asked, as he held me tighter form behind.

It was hard for me to be upset at him, now. I felt Vic behind me, it was poking against my ass, "y-you.."

He chuckled, "I what?"

I bit my lip, when he moved his body against my own, and whispered into my ear, "speak to me..Kitten."

I exhaled out of sexual frustration, "Why'd you just leave?" I asked, turning to face him. He looked at me in amusement.

"What do you mean?"

I gave him a look,

"You're kidding, right?" I asked him sarcastically

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"You're kidding, right?" I asked him sarcastically.

Vic rolled his eyes, and he groaned, "I just..had to leave, what wrong with that?"

He still didn't say sorry.

I crossed my arms at him, "say sorry."

I saw him hold in his smile, "you're so adorable. It's actually kind of ridiculous."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "leave me alone you Fuckboy." I said, as I spun around, aiming for the door, but Vic's arm stopped me.

I turned around, "What-"but Vic then picked me up. I laughed at him and told him to put me down and he sat me on a box and started tickling me. I giggled as his hands roamed my body and I couldn't stop the laughter.

"O-oh my god," I laughed some more. He tickled inside of my thighs and all over my tummy. I finally stopped his hands, and I was unnecessarily stopping them, but I didn't care. I didn't want him to stop but at the same time it was annoying.

I laughed at him, "st-oo-p" I whined, dragging out the word stop, as he walked up behind me. His boner poked me, again. And he wrapped his arms around my waist securely, "you know what I would do to you if we were alone?"

"W-we are alone.." I mumbled.

"Nah, I mean really alone. Nobody here but us."

"Well..what would you do?"

"Hm.." He said, as he reached down underneath my shorts. He caught the string of my underwear again, pulled it back, and it snapped again t my skin again, sending shockwaves throughout my body, "well I know you're a Virgin, that's for sure.." He muttered. Vic then pushed me gently to a wall. His lips were hovering over my ear, and I felt him completely behind me. A quick moan escapes my lips as he presses my against the wall,, "you know what I do to Virgins, Kitten..?" He whispered again. This time sliding his hand up my short shorts again, and squeezing my ass. I whimpered at his touch.

"N-no," I said, getting form up under him. Not in a storing room. Not my virginty.

"wait..Vic? What even are we?" I asked. It was a good question. Did he actually want to date me or was I a soon-to-be fuckbuddy?

Vic bit his lips, and he did something unexpected. He brought my chin up to his face, and he pressed me back up against the pale wall, and he kissed my lips firmly. It's like I wanted to pull away and I didn't at the same time. He was turning me on so much, and that kiss was like fireworks. I've never kissed Vic before and here I am acting like a silly schoolgirl. He slid his tongue into my mouth, and I moaned, when he grinded himself against me. I was enjoying it so much, but then all of a sudden, he pulled back, smirked, and crossed his arms, "guess we're boyfriends."

The fact that that word came out of his mouth made me want to squeal. He held my hand, and I watched a wave of anxiety wash over him, "but..I haven't come out yet, so we'll keep it on the low. Kay fool?"

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle, "okay. Fine. But you have to promise me you'll have to come out at least sometime this year, because I'm kind of sassy when it comes to dating boys and I get really jealous." I said simply.

Vic bopped my nose, "I'll do it
Soon, promise."

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