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Danielle's room^

Kellin's pajamas^

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Kellin's pajamas^

Danielle laughed, "so Kellin, do you always wear a flower crown to bed?" She chirped. We were all pretty much just scrolling tumblr and looking at hot guys.

Hayley laughed dryly, "um, what's wrong with a flower crown?"

Danielle shrugged, "nothing, nothing." She muttered.

I saw Hayley give her a look,

I chuckled silently to myself and rolled my eyes

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I chuckled silently to myself and rolled my eyes. Danielle wasn't trying to hurt anybody. It was nice to be here, anyway. It felt so great to laugh and giggle over nothing and lip sync to old Disney songs and old Justin Bieber music. When they were all talking I took time to actually admire Danielle's room. It was honestly goals. Her walls were pink and decorated with a million different pictures, but oddly enough, none of Vic. Oh well.

Just then, I heard a notification go off, coming from a pink phone. Everyone else was obsessing over young Johnny Depp and o was getting curious. I read across the screen; Dave💕: boo come over my house tomorrow. Is your cousin Vic still staying over like you said?

I held in my gasp. Who the fuck was 'Dave' and why was Danielle cheating on Vic? I was so mad! He didn't deserve this. Yeah, he may be a Fuckboy at times but nobody deserves heartbreak.

"Kellin, are you okay?" Asked Melissa, everyone turned their heads to me. I hesitated, and I couldn't even look at Danielle. She seems so sweet, why would she do such a thing? And why has she not broken up with Vic if she's so into this 'Dave' ?

I shook my head, flattening out my night dress, "um, I need water.." I trailed off, as I swiftly got out of her room. I didn't know where her kitchen was but I was going to have to find out. What the hell? Normally people wouldn't be so upset if they found out this sort of thing happened to someone who wasn't their friend but I was beyond pissed. I was mad. Finally getting out of the hall, I took a wild guess and turned left, into the kitchen area.

"Hey kitten

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"Hey kitten.." He spoke around the red cup. He then set it beside him. I was so sorry for him it's like I didn't have the heart to be playfully upset at him.

But I noticed something. His hair. It was long?

Forgetting about Danielle cheating on him for a quick second, I crossed my arms, "y-your..hair? You never cut it?" I asked him, supsrised. It was like I was seeing the old him again, before our fight, before summer even happened. Like an old...friend? It's because it was. But puberty did happen and I found myself looking at his arms more than twice.

He put down his cup, and did that same annoying smirk with his lips, and he stared at me up and down, "nice uh.." He pointed at my nightdress, "yeah  that, it's pretty." He told me. I don't know why u was so affected by those words. Did he mean my body was pretty? Did he mean my nightdress? Did he think I was pretty?? I was so confused.

I blushed, but then I snapped out of it. Danielle was cheating on him. Should I tell Vic? Or should I just wait and see it all play out? I mean for all I know it could've been anybody. I sighed, "um, I just came down here to get some water, so.."I spoke rushingly. I reached up to get a cup from the cabinet but I couldn't quite reach it. Just then, I felt Vic behind me. I felt his muscles contract, too. His right arm flexed above me, as he handed me a cup. There were goosebumps all over my body, as I moved away from him, and opened the fridge. What the fuck, who keeps
Bottled water on top of the fridge? Wait..then why'd I need a cup.

I heard Vic chuckle behind me.

I put my hands on my hips, "you knew there was bottled water. You mean I didn't need a cup?" I snapped. He laughed some more.

I shook my head, "fuck the water." I spoke, as I then proceeded to exit the kitchen. But Vic quickly rushed over to me, and held my arms. His face softened.

"Hey..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you so mad."

I rolled my eyes, "what and-"

"Ever." He finished. I looked up at him, and my breath caught in my throat. All those emotions I felt before summer, and I mean everything, came back within an instant. Vic was so familiar to me, I saw my bestfriend again, and then instantly I saw the guy I've had a crush on since Freshmen year. He gently took off my flower crown and set it on the counter, starring into my eyes. Vic took my chin, and our lips were so close to each other. My heart was beating rapidly-

"What the hell is going on here?!" Vic and I pulled away from each other so quickly and when I saw who it was, I wanted to scream. But se already did. Danielle was in tears, and she fanned herself, her black mascara falling down her face, "Viccy, you're cheating on me? W-with a faggot?"

I gasped at her, and I bawled my fists,"I am not a faggot you bitch!" I shouted at her.

Suddenly, I saw the rest of the girls come down the stairs and they looked at the scene unfold. I was so embarrassed I didn't know what to do. Halsey and Hayley and Melissa rushed to my side and they all asked me what happened.

"This slut just kissed my boy-toy!" Danielle hissed. She walked over to Vic and kissed him right in my face. What I felt was pure hatred, I couldn't contain it anymore.

"She's cheating on you!" I blurted out. All the girls gasped at what I said, and then Vic finally spoke up, pulling away from her.

"Danielle, this true?" He asked, he seemed pissed off.

She shook her head with desperation, "Viccy-boo, I'd never cheat on you! Kellin's jut jealous because he used to like you and now since summers over he thinks things have changed between you two or something...or that you're," she laughed, "gay."

I blinked twice, and my vision blurred. I couldn't be here anymore. I didn't care about anything or anyone in that moment. My heart felt like it was being ripped out of its chest. I ran out of Danielle's house and to my car. Vic told her about what I said? He told her about my coming out story and what happened between us? The tears just kept falling and falling and I drove home. All my clothes and things were still in here so it's not like I could've left anything at Danielle's. When I got home, my mom want there so I rushed up to my room and cried myself to sleep.

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