-21- (pilots) |-/

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Lol I'm sorry I had to^
Also that's the principal's office ^

When the principal opened the door, I was shocked. Danielle had a guilty expression on her face and she glared at me. What as going on?

"Kellin why don't you take a seat?" He said to me.

I uncrossed my arms, and sat in the chair that was next to Danielle. I crossed my legs and pulled down my crop top, "what's.." I looked to Danielle and back at him, "what's going on?"

Mr. McKinnon exhaled roughly, as he pulled out three papers, "we're these messages sent to you, Kellin?"

I then snatched the paper and read it. They looked like the conversation that Danielle and I had about a week ago. I knitted my eyebrows together. What in the actual fuck? How did anybody ever get these text messages? I've never screenshotted them and sent them to anybody. I've only told Melissa, Hayley, and Halsey about it, and that was only through the phone. This was so creepy.

I looked back up to him, "yeah this conversation happened, but I don't see how you got them unless someone hacked my phone-"

"There you go playing the fucking Victim role again! Oh my god just say that you submitted the photos-"

"Enough from you, Danielle!" Mr.Mckinnon roared, and then he looked back at me, "Kellin. What happened was an act of bullying and I'm very dissapointed that you didn't think to tell anyone about this. The screenshots were submitted anonymously."

What the hell? I stood up, "someone fucking hacked my phone?" I exclaimed, this was so confusing.

Mr. McKinnon sighed, "please sit down, Kellin."

I glared at him, sitting down in my seat, "what and fucking ever." I huffed, crossing my arms.

"Danielle, you're suspended for a week. Our school has a low-tolerance level and you're lucky I didn't expel you."

Mr.Mckinnon gave us this long speech about bullying and he made Danielle and I apologize to me. When she left he also told me about how I should tell somebody when these types of things happen. I agreed with everything he said, just I wasn't so happy. Who the hell took my phone, and sent themselves screenshots? Melissa, Hayley, or Halsey wouldn't do that. And it was making my head hurt because I didn't know what happened. When the principal was done speaking to me, he dismissed me and have me a late pass. I then walked out of his office, when I saw Vic sitting from across me.

 I then walked out of his office, when I saw Vic sitting from across me

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I looked at him awkwardly but then I smiled slightly, "uh..hey?"

He chuckled, getting up from the wall as he walked over to me. "what's up, Kitten?" He smirked, when he grabbed my ass.

I rolled my eyes and smacked his hand away, "don't touch me like that."

He gabbed my ass again, and kissed my cheek. I laughed at him, "seriously, what are you doing here? Were you waiting for someone?"

He hesitated, and then stopped walking. When he looked up at me, was when I knew something was wrong. He had this panicking look that spread across his face. He sighed, "you promise me you won't be mad?"

"What is it..?" I questioned mysteriously.

"Okay. Well, the principal called you into the office, right? And Danielle got suspended?"

I nodded, "right..." I looked at him with a shocked expression, "wait, how'd you know that?" I spoke. It was strange.

"I took those screenshots, synced it to my phone, printed them out, and reported Danielle."

I looked at him in trauma, dropping my arms. I was so mad. He went through my phone? I scoffed, "that was you?!" I shouted, pushing him a bit.

"Kellin no wait-"

I pushed his hand away from grabbing my arm, "oh my god, get away from me!" I yelled, as I ran away. I was just so mad that he didn't talk to me about this! It was just so fucking rude. How could he? Could I even trust him anymore?

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