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Hello darkness smile friend.

Trauma had went through Vic's face. He was frozen, and he looked at me, his lips barely moving, "you aren't serious?"

I walked slowly over to him, and leveled my eyes with his, "Vic.." I started, but he was gazing aggressively glaring at the floor, "listen to me, Danielle's lying to you, you didn't get her pregnant, it's Dave's." I said, I spoke to him as if I were speaking to a child, because he was slowly getting more upset at the second. It felt so good to finally get those words off my chest, it was like a weight was lifted.

He then put his phone on speaker, and that's when I knew that I fucked up. "Is this fucking true, Danielle?" he spat, bawling his other fist.

I already knew what was going to happen, "what? Kellin's just being so ridiculous. Afterall..it makes sense, he's cheating on  you." she spoke.

Vic gave me the most broken expression, and he walked away from me, and grabbed the wine glass i'd brought up to the room and slammed it into the wall, it's like it was raining glass, as it shattered all around us. He out his head in his hands, pulling up a chair and sitting in it. I didn't know what to do, I was just so scared, Vic was so mad.

My lips trembled, "s-she's lying-"

"Oh yeah? She's lying, huh? Explain these fucking pictures she just sent me on my fucking phone!" he roared at me, as he threw his phone in my hands,

"Oh yeah? She's lying, huh? Explain these fucking pictures she just sent me on my fucking phone!" he roared at me, as he threw his phone in my hands,

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I gasped, I didn't know that Danielle would actually send those two pictures! My lips then began to go dry and my eyes burned, tears streaming down my face, "Vic please it's not what it looks like!" I shouted to him

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I gasped, I didn't know that Danielle would actually send those two pictures! My lips then began to go dry and my eyes burned, tears streaming down my face, "Vic please it's not what it looks like!" I shouted to him.

He then looked up at me, and chuckled sarcastically, "you're sitting on top of Alan Ashby, he's grabbing your ass, and you're clearly into it-"

"no, you don't understand-"

"I don't need to understand!" he shouted at me, as he got up and threw the chair, "i don't even get it, Kellin. Why would you do something like this to me? Why would you go behind my back do you realize how much it fucking hurts to see the love of your life smothered by two guys?!" His eyes were bloodshot red, and he was breathing in and out.

I started to walk over to him, "Vic-"

He backed away and put both his arms against the wall, and gritting his teeth,  "How long ago was this?"

"Y-you can't be mad at me for doing this! You're the one who wasn't going to tell me that Danielle was pregnant, you were lying to me, too-"

He punched the wall, and then glared at me, "I was lying to you, but you were lying too, Kellin." he shook his head, scrunching his nose up, his eyes watery, "I can't believe you'd.." his voice broke off, and he looked at the picture of Alan and I kissing on the floor once again. For some reason he didn't care about the one with Garret, he just got even more mad as he kept staring at that picture.

He shook his head, "oh fuck no, i'm about to kill him." Vic said violently, as he went to open the door. I ran after him down the hall with tears streaming down my face.

"V-vic, stop! Alan didn't mean to, he was drunk." I said, pulling his arm. I moved us both into a small bathroom and I looked to him desperately, "let me tell you what exactly happened-"

He then turned around and faced me sharply, "fuck, what am I supposed to be? Impressed? You're just another person, who's made my life miserable. You don't fucking care, Danielle doesn't fucking care, my parents don't fucking care, nobody ever does. I'm fucking sick, and I mean sick, of your shit. You..i just can't even fucking look at you right now. I'm in so much fucking physical pain and I don't know who to believe anymore I'm just so sick of it all, Kellin! And Alan, are you kidding me? I was sitting next to that guy not too long ago, hell I thought I liked him. But not anymore, whenever I see him, i'm going to be reminded of that fucking picture. I'm not everything you wanted me to be, but you aren't either. I just really don't..i just cant anymore. I love you so much and it's like you were broken glass, but I touched you even though I knew i'd get hurt and I was so fucking right," he stopped talking, and he was crying, too. I've never ever in my life had seen Vic cry in my entire life, his chest was rising and falling, and he bit his lip hard, before looking me directly in my eyes.

"We're over."

I tried to hold his hand but he yanked it away, "s-stay away from me." He said directly, as he left the bathroom. I opened the door, no, no, no. He can't just leave me like this. My heart was beating so fast that I was aware of it and when those words sunk in, it felt like a thousand punches to the gut, I didn't want Vic to leave. I ran after him, my voice hoarse, "p-please don't go, don't leave, Vic, we'll figure this out like we always do!" I shouted as I tried to hug him.

He then detached me from him, and pushed me to the floor, "No, Kellin. I'm done with you."

I shook my head stubbornly, I was completely upset at everything, I just wanted him back, I wish this never happened, "b-but Vic," I sobbed, as I grabbed his arm again, put he then took his suit coat off, and I realized I was holding the fabric.

He turned around to me, and he locked his jaw, "today I saw the whole world. Put it like this, you were my world, but when I saw that picture, it's like..damn. it's like I felt my love for you dying. My love for you was fucking bulletproof," he gritted his teeth, "and you shot me, Kellin."

Vic started walking backwards, still staring at me, "i'm leaving." Vic spoke, and as he walked further down, he tripped.

"Do you need help-"

"No." He spoke, and then left.

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