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Fun chapter, Kellic coming up next(;

"This is so nice.." Melissa gushed, when we walked inside a clothing store. I saw a cute outfit in the window,

 I saw a cute outfit in the window,

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and I wanted it. Melissa and Melanie had went to get pedicures so I was left with Hayley and Halsey.

I linked arms with Halsey, "I need that shirt," I said.

She laughed, "you need everything.."

We all looked at different clothes and spoke about nothing in particular. We soon then started to split up, and I admired a few things, but I was looking for the shirt I'd seen in the window. Eventually I'd gotten to the back of the store, where the shirt I saw in the window was.

I smiled brightly, it really was so cute

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I smiled brightly, it really was so cute. And there was only one shirt left, and so I reached to grab it-

"Um, exuse you." Said a snobbish voice, as they snatched it away from me. When I looked up, I saw that it was a guy with pink hair and a black lip piercing, he rolled his eyes at me as he fixed his hot pink headband.

Um, what the fuck? I glared at him, as I snatched the shirt back, "this is mine. I saw it first." I spoke, with my teeth gritted. He couldn't just take my shirt like that, I wanted it.

But he then shoved me, and pushed me to the floor, "oh sweetie, I saw it second-"

I got up and then shoved him back, and took the shirt away from him, "uh, no. I'm taking this." I said, as I started to turn around, but he then grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled me back, as I crashed into the pyramid of shoe boxes in the store. All of them came tumbling down on my head, but I still held the shirt right in my hand.

I looked at him angrily, "what's your fucking problem!" I shouted, as I pulled the shirt my way, but he tugged it back to him, "I always get what I want when I want it-"

I then pulled the shirt even more, causing him to come to me a little, "well today isn't your day you little-"

"What is going on here?!" Shouted a store attendant, she rushed over to the both of us, a hard glare set in her eyes.

Suddenly, Halsey and Hayley had rushed to my side and I saw the hidden laughter in their eyes. The store attendant put her hands on her hips, pointing to the door, "you two are banned, for ruining store property."

I looked at the guy with the pink hair and flipped him off, as I sat up.

He laughed dryly, "right back at you, bitch."

I cut my eyes at the guy, and I swear I was going to go at him but Halsey and Hayley held me back, "come on, Kellin, it's not worth it and plus you're sweating your foundation."

The guy scoffed, "my name is Kellin too, what the hell? You can't take my name."

I laughed dryly, as I rolled my eyes, "Well you sure do take a lot of things-"

"How many times do I have to tell you two to get out of my store?" Explained the store attendant with anger laced in her tone. Hayley and Halsey then hauled me away but I still was glaring at the guy who took my shirt. I fucking wanted that!

"Kells, calm down," laughed Halsey, "it honestly wasn't even that cute."

I shook my head, "yes it was-"

"Look we only have the weekend left here, let's make the best of it?" Said Hayley.

I sighed, as we walked away from the store, "alright, fine."

"Kellin you're being petty who cares about a dumb shirt in the window? We're meeting all the boys at the pool right now so I don't see why you're upset you'll be getting to see Vic shirtless."

I snorted, "I can see him shirtless whenever I want. All I have to say is 'daddy' ." I said, putting my phone in my purse.

Hayley chuckled, "you guys are so cute I swear.."

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