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^Didn't have a side pic so enjoy my favorite song by the band Queen💕

^Didn't have a side pic so enjoy my favorite song by the band Queen💕

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Kellin's outfit rn^

The wedding was tomorrow, and we were heading out. Since Brandon and Alan's family were freakishly large compared to ours, we were going to be spending two days and one night at his Grandma's house. Alan told me that his family could be sort of smothering but I told him it was fine. We all loaded our bags and things in the car and Vic came a bit late, but soon enough, we were driving on the road. I didn't talk much during the car-ride I mostly fell asleep on his shoulder and we kissed a little, in the car too but it didn't lead to anything serious.

It seemed like forever, but when we finally had pulled up to his grandma's house I gasped. The house was huge,

 The house was huge,

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"Woah.." I spoke, I then looked over to Alan, "nice house."
I shook Vic, he was asleep next to me, "Vic, Vic, wake up we're here." I said.

~~~time skip~~~

When we got inside, I put my bags down, and then all of a sudden someone punched my cheeks, "aw Alan look at you you've grown so much!" She said. The old lady had a hunched back and glasses, she then went over to Alan, "And Kellin! I've heard so many wonderful things about you! Welcome to the Ashby family."

Alan laughed, "um, Grams? I'm not Kellin, it's Alan, you mixed us up."

His Grandma then went over to Vic, and she ruffled his hair, "whatever you say, Alan."

We all laughed at her as she walked away. "She's sweet, I love her already." I told Alan, as we started to walk up the stairs. He then, for some reason began to speak about his family history and he showed Vic and I pictures on the walls of him visiting his grandma when he was little. Some stories were happy, some were sad. When we finally reached the last stair, Alan opened the door to a room, "so you guys'll be staying here-"

"Alan!" Shouted a brunette boy who was sitting on the bed. He hugged him, "we missed you so much." When they noticed that Vic and I were here, they chuckled.

"I'm Dan. Alan's cousin." He had an accent, British? Alan did say something about him having family from another country, I'm guessing he was talking about the U.K. .

The other one smiled, "I'm Phil, not Alan's cousin, but Dan's boyfriend." He was walking over towards us,

I chuckled at the cat whiskers on their faces, and shook their hands, "I'm Kellin

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I chuckled at the cat whiskers on their faces, and shook their hands, "I'm Kellin."

Vic nodded his head and grinned, "Vic."

"And they're here to fuck shit up," said Alan. I playfully glared at him and he stuck his tounge out, "just kidding. Well me and my cousins are gonna take off while you and Vic unpack." Alan said.

"Oh, well goodbye." Said Phil, as the three of them passed us. And shut the door.

I smiled, turning to Vic, "aw, weren't they nice?" I asked, but I saw that he was over at a bookshelf, reading a book.

He looked petrified, "yeah, yeah babe come, and here read this shit." He snickered,

"The deal?" I asked, crossing my arms, "read the description

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"The deal?" I asked, crossing my arms, "read the description.."

Vic sighed deeply, "desperate to save his dying sister, (Vincent) makes a deal with (Karen) the daughter of Satan, also know as the demon of lust. But here's the catch, he has to be her sex slave' and that's when we close this book." Vic spoke, putting it back inside the shelf, "Dan's into some kinky voodoo shit. Who would read that?"

I chuckled, biting my lip, "we should read a chapter."

Vic chuckled, as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "why is that?"

I sighed, and my cheeks burned of redness when he held my thigh up. My eyes flickered to his lips, "it's kinda hot. Demon of lust..weren't you that for the costume party?" I asked.

He pushed my back against the bookshelf, and I sighed, when our lips met, and he slid his tongue inside, "you'd like that, if I were a demon, kitten?" He smirked.

I bit my lip, "I don't know Daddy..I-"

But my words were cut off when suddenly Vic's phone began to ring. He kissed me quick, and set me down as he checked his pocket to see who it was, he rolled his eyes, "it's Danielle, I have to answer."

"No you don't.." I mumbled, as I crossed my arms.

"Hey.." He smiled, as he stroked my arm and kissed the top of my head, "she's having my baby."

I glared at the floor, "whatever. Just go talk to her really quick and come back."

He kissed my cheek, "I'm just doing the right thing." He said, leaving the room.

"Ugh!" I groaned, throwing a pillow to the wall.

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