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Trauma and fear. It hit mw like a million bricks and it coursed through my veins. I was so scared, as I fell down the waterfall and slipped out of the canoe. I called out Hayley's name but she's vanished a long time ago. I felt like screaming, I felt like crying.

"Kellin!" I heard Vic shout from above me, I couldn't look at him as the water blurred my eyes.i's held onto a rock, and my legs were hanging against the surface,

"Vic!" I screamed as the water came rushing down much quicker, pushing me off the rock

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"Vic!" I screamed as the water came rushing down much quicker, pushing me off the rock. I had shouted Vic's name so loud that my body had started to physically hurt, and I tried to cry, but I couldn't as the water had filled my lungs completely and I choked on it. The fall was long, and before I knew it, I fell deep into the clear blue dark water with a huge thud,

 The fall was long, and before I knew it, I fell deep into the clear blue dark water with a huge thud,

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The water was way too strong a so gasped for air,

The water was way too strong a so gasped for air,

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I struggled to swim, but I was already too sore,

I kicked my legs as fast as I could to swim to surface but I was right underneath the waterfall,

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I kicked my legs as fast as I could to swim to surface but I was right underneath the waterfall,

I kicked my legs as fast as I could to swim to surface but I was right underneath the waterfall,

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I suddenly felt myself break down, I was alone. I cried underwater as I no longer had full control of my body anymore. Slowly, I stopped the kicking and the screaming, and the water had choked me viciously. The last thing I saw before my eyes had shit was the black nail polish on my pale fingers,

 The last thing I saw before my eyes had shit was the black nail polish on my pale fingers,

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And that's when my eyes had shit completely and I felt absolutely nothing. I wondered, as the darkness took over me, was death supposed to feel like this? I lost all my senses, and I was motionless underneath the freezing water I shook. My lungs had stopped working as the liquids had began to tear my ribcage. I slipped away into full darkness.

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