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Shock went through me, and quick. I don't remember kissing any of those two guys the other night! Everytime I thought about it my head started to throb. These pictures had to go down. I dmed them booth and asked the to take it off their page.

What if Vic or anybody from school sees? I'll be labeled as a thot. I am not a thot! I put my head in my hands as I sunk to the floor. This could not be happening to me. I don't remember a thing about last night! I don't remember going to Oliver's party, but I do remember leaving the club. Oh god..if Vic found out about this he would probably get so mad. When they both responded to the message and told me that they'll delete it, I felt so much better. And when I refreshed my feed, sure enough it was gone. I sighed in relaxation. Thank fucking god.

My toothbrush was in the sink and I picked it back up from where I dropped it, rinsed it off, and put it back in its container.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

Picking it up, I read the screen and saw that it was Vic. I answered with a giggle, "so..you finally decided to call me, huh?" I asked, walking over and sitting on my bed. My body still hurt a bit so when I laid on the bed I winced.

Vic chuckles, "yeah, yeah..i'll explain everything. And Kitten are you okay?"

I panicked, "y-yeah, I'm more than okay...why did anyone tell you that I'm not okay because I promise you that I am o-fucking 'Kay I swear-"

"Chill." He cut me off, "anyways I'm coming over-"

"No!" I looked like a fucking mess.

He laughed this time, "why?"

"No!" I shrieked, suddenly aware of how my voice sounded, I face palmed myself, "no..I mean..yes- wait how about I come over there?"

He sounded annoyed now, "I'm just playing video games."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "you still play video games?"

"You still like getting fucked?"

I could feel his smirk through the phone. I held in my laugh, "you're ga-ross."

"You're ga-ross!"

I rolled my eyes, "okay, okay fine I'll be there in like.." I looked at my alarm clock, "fifteen minutes."


"Alright bye, love you." I said, clicking the phone off. I face palmed myself again. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.

I told him I loved him and then I hung up the phone and didn't wait for him to say it back. Great just great this weekend was really fucking me up. I sighed, as I walked to my closet,

 I sighed, as I walked to my closet,

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"Nothing to wear. Just fuck me up even more, universe." I mumbled. It took me about twelve minutes to choose and put something together. And when I did I walked back the the bathroom and showered for awhile with my lavender soap I'd gotten from lush, and I blow dryed my hair. When that was done I straightened and curled it, I avoided putting on any makeup because I didn't have time anyway. Finally putting on my outfit, I took a picture of myself in the mirror,

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