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This chapter is going to be a mixture of these two videos👇🏻

(: pretty fun chapter and I thought it was different. Oh, and if you don't like song chapters skip this lol🌸 by the way we just hit 4K guys!! Holy shit this is so great!!


~~alternate POV~~

Kellin was in Alan's car, with Ed on the phone, "what do you mean you're too 'sock' to come to the carnival?" Asked Kellin. He was speaking to Ed on the phone, and apparently he had caught a random flue out of nowhere.

He spoke to Ed back and fourth until he eventually hung up on him, and looked to Alan, "i'm not going out there." Kellin spoke. He was just so bothered with how he looked. He had on a leather jacket, fake tattoos and piercings, and he wore tight black skinny jeans. He wasn't used to this type of thing at all.

Kellin was used to skirts and dresses and really short shorts, or loose fabric. All this was os much restriction to his small body and he didn't understand. He'd worn boys clothes once, and that was at his mom's wedding, and it felt weird to him. And so he never did it again.

"oh, yes you are. Come on, Kellin, get up." Alan said to him. Soon, there was a huge argument between Kellin and Alan and they went at it for a long time before Kellin finally gave in, and had gotten out of the car.

The carnival was so big and pretty. There were two large red and white striped tents hovering over about half of the football field, and almost all of the seniors and juniors were here.

It was an upperclassmen type of high-school party. The music was loud and inviting, and soon he was met with all his friends. Hayley was there, so was Melissa, and then there was Halsey. Melanie had even joined their group, after hanging out with them a couple of days ago they all just clicked with one another.

But one thing Kellin had questioned was the fact that nobody had commented on how he was dressed. Not one of his friends were shocked or amazed when they saw him, it made him feel like they all knew something and he didn't. Kellin didn't like that, he always liked to know what was going on at all times. But he eventually dropped it, as they all played carnival games and went on rides.

When they got off the rides, and started to order some cotton candy from one of the fast-food trucks, Halsey's eyes lit up, "oh my god, I should totally perform this song I just wrote on the stage tonight. They're taking requests, you know?"

"you should totally do it!" Melissa exclaimed, "but wait, don't you need someone to sing? I mean after all, you do play the piano."

Halsey's face then twisted into a frown, as she took a bite of her pink cotton candy, "welp, there goes my dream of somebody singing my music." she said dramatically. What fazed Kellin was how intensified everyone of his friends were being.

It's like they were acting or hiding something. The gleaming moon then turned into a crescent, and it was nearly eight thirty. Kellin sighed.

"Hey..Halsey, i'll do it." He said, he took a few singing lessons when he was really little so maybe he could sing Halsey's song. It wasn't like he couldn't read music, and plus it could take his mind away from Vic.

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