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The forest^ it's getting slowly darker^

"Vic, my feet hurt.." I whined.

Follow Vic, I said. It'll be fun, I said. Bullshit.

We'd been walking for atleast an hour, and we were lost. I sighed, glaring at Vic angrily, "I hope you know this is all your fault." I grumbled.

Vic snickered, "you didn't have to follow me..and we aren't lost, I know where I'm going." He said cockily.

I rolled my eyes, as we walked side-by-side. Just then, I heard a snap, and that's when I realized it was my heel. I gasped, and stopped walking, "t-these shoes!" I shriek.

Vic shot me a shocked expression, "what, what is it?" He asked in caution.

"They were two-hundred dollars!" I shouted at Vic. My left heel had broken in two and my shoes were ruined. Great. Just fucking great. I was fuming. "I waited in a line for three hours just to get a pair of those Doc Martins and now they're freaking broken. Ugh!" I screamed, as I kicked a tree. I looked at Vic, and I saw that he laughed at me.

"This isn't funny!" I shouted, gaping at him.

Vic uncrossed his arms, and sighed, as he tried to hold my hand, "kitten calm down-" but I flinched away, crossing my arms.

"No! Don't you 'Kitten' me. This is horrible! My two-hundred dollar Doc Martins are fucking trash now!" I shouted, and my eyes began to water.

He rushed up to me, and he held both of my hands. I let him do this, but I looked away stubbornly, "hey..don't cry. Two hundred dollars isn't a big deal I can just buy you a new pair of Doc Marvins."

I rolled my eyes, and I sniffed, gazing up at him, "Martins. They're Doc Martins."

He chuckled, and he looked down at our laced fingers, "fine. Doc Martins. I'll buy you some when we get back to our hometown I'll buy you five pair of it makes you happy it's whatever.."

"Really?"I mumbled, looking into his big brown eyes, and we began to walk again.


I smiled lightly, calming down. Everytime I was with Vic it gave me a fluttery feeling. He made me feel so special and I didn't know why. Was this normal? When I was dating Josh, I didn't feel the same way with him. He was overly sensitive and really affectionate. But with Vic, it's like he was here but he wasn't. I liked the mystery in his touch, and the cockiness he carried upon himself, that quickly washed away when he feels genuinely sorry for someone. We had small talk, as we continued to walk through the forest, and it had casually been getting darker.

 We had small talk, as we continued to walk through the forest, and it had casually been getting darker

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We were about to turn a corner, until we heard a rustle in the bushes. I stopped in my tracks, and rushed to Vic, holding him. "Vic, Vic there's something b-behind the bushes!" I whispered in fear. It was so dark now, and both our phones had died so it wasn't like we could call anybody.

His arms tightened around me, and he ran a finger though my hair, I felt him vibrate in laughter, "Kellin it's alright it's probably nothing."

I pulled away from him, and glared, "no. I saw something."

He rolled his eyes, "it's just nature."

"Well 'nature' ruined my Doc Martins."

He chuckled, and he opened his mouth to say something, but all of a sudden, I heard the noise again. Vic told me to calm down but is like I couldn't, I was so scared. He told me to wait there as he went to check it out. I told him to not go, and to stay with me, but he didn't. He walked into the bushes and like that, he disappeared.

Getting annoyed at all the different sounds, I decided to chase after him. I hated the idea of even being alone in a dark forest. I slowly inched towards the large bush, and I stepped inside. The leaves brushed against my face, and I stepped on a few twigs,
and that's when I saw Vic,

 The leaves brushed against my face, and I stepped on a few twigs, and that's when I saw Vic,

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He was holding a..puppy?

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