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everyone: "oh my god stop the drama and make Kellin go with vic already"

me: "ha, nope. I have a flair for the dramatic (; "


Walking into the bathroom, I heard soft crying,

Halsey wanted to meet me in her because she spilt milk on her pants during lunch

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Halsey wanted to meet me in her because she spilt milk on her pants during lunch. But when I opened the stall, I saw that it was actually Melanie. Why is she always crying? I don't know.

When she saw me, she looked up and sniffed, "K-Kellin?"

I smiled lightly, and gave her a slight hug, sitting beside her. I ruffled out my skirt and fixed the sleeves of my blue sweater as I sat down next to her, "what's wrong?"

"Jessica told me that I was getting too fat to be on the cheerleading squad, right? And then I can't help that I have extra weight, i'm on my period! And so I told her this and she didn't believe me and she said I was over-eating and now I can't cheer next game. N-no one w-will love you if you're unattractive." she mumbled, tears strolling down her face, "now i'm all on my own and I've lost all my friends."

I shook my head, wiping away her tears and hugging her, "hey, it's not you okay? If anything it's Jessica. She's the one who's telling you that you're fat and you aren't! Your body is fine and you're defiantly not ugly, Melanie." I ranted. It made me mad that their group were targeting people as innocent as Melanie, now.

She sniffed again, "really?"

"Mhm." I said, "you should hang out with me and my friends tonight at my house."

She smiled, "okay. Thanks, Kellin."

~~~~time skip~~~~

I was in drama class and I was fucking panicking

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I was in drama class and I was fucking panicking. Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. me.  Vic is literally in my class, and the teacher paired us together. Are you kidding me? When he found out this, he said he had to use the bathroom, and he never came back until the bell rang and the period ended. Before I could even say a word to him, I stepped out into the hall and someone had pulled my arm.

"Kellin, I have the tape recording." said Alan, as he waved it in the air, but all of a sudden, a guy had smacked it out of his hands on accident, and it fell on the floor.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, as I went to the floor. As soon as i'd picked it up, and handed it back to Alan, I sighed, "well? What happened?"

"Well..she isn't pregnant, that's for sure."

Wait. What the fuck?

I stopped walking, and pulled Alan into a janitors closet, shutting the door behind myself. I glared at Alan, "what the motherfucking child of satan do you mean that Danielle isn't pregnant, Ashby?"

He threw his hands up, "she was talking to the blondie about how she had an abortion last week or something like that and how she was going to keep faking the pregnancy and get Vic to fall in love with her." Alan said, "i swear i'm not lying, Kellin-"

"No, no. I believe you.." I trailed off, putting my hands in my head. "This is just all too much, maybe I should just give up," I say hopelessly, as I looked at the floor, "Vic isn't going to believe me he think i'm a liar for not telling him what happened at the party. Maybe it's time to just finally let go of Vic?"

It was quiet for a moment, until Alan spoke again, "Kellin?"


He then walked up to me, and kissed me against my lips. It was like I had stopped everything, Alan liked me? I then pushed him away, confusingly, "Alan, what the fuck?!"

"Did you ever feel that way when Vic kissed you?"

"What?" he wasn't making any sense.

"When Vic would kiss you, you felt fireworks, right?"

I crossed my arms, "yeah.." I said quietly.

"Then why would you want to stop chasing that type of love? You know that gross feeling you felt in your stomach when i'd just kissed you a second ago? You're going to be feeling that your entire life because you'll be regretting not getting things settled with Vic. You'll be sorry. Kellin, we live in a cruel world but there's so much peace in it, you just have to find it. The key to life isn't money or Happiness. It's love. And yes, in the movies they portray loves as happiness but it's so much more than that. it's an intense feeling that no dictionary or scientist can explain. True love leaves you awake at three in the morning sobbing with tears in your eyes because that other person didn't text you back. And when a true loving bond is broken, it's like the two people take apart of each other that they may never get back. Kellin don't make that mistake, okay? I see the way that Vic looks at you and I hear the long, antagonizing rants about him that you tell to me and your closest friends. You're in love with him, whether you want to believe it or not. And you need to go get your fucking man and stop the petty games between this ginger bitch Danielle."

I widened my eyes at Alan. I didn't realize he had so much to say, his words made me feel a bit empowering, something about them touched me. I couldn't give up on Vic, not in the middle of the year. Alan was so right. I then brought him into a tight hug, and he hugged me back. "Thanks so much, Alan. You're the best brother I've never had," I say with a slight smile, as I pulled back.

He then smiled at me shyly, handing me the record player, "go find Vic, and show him what's on the tape."

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