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Kellin's costume ^

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Kellin's costume ^

The party was so great. It was a huge success. Vic and I's band hung up above the whole dance. It was a black rose melting away into a flame and the title was 'Dance the night away'. I'm surprised everyone showed up, it was a good feeling.

"Where's Melissa?!" I shouted, over the loud music.

"OVER HERE!" She shouted, as Hayley, Halsey and I turned

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"OVER HERE!" She shouted, as Hayley, Halsey and I turned. I rolled my eyes.

"Mel, what even are you?"

She laughed, "I'm a mouse, duh," she said, pointing to her ears. They were mouse ears surely enough, but that was not a costume. But I didn't judge her. For some odd reason, in the midst of it all, I looked at Josh. He was dancing with Tyler happily. I sighed. My feelings for him were gone but how did he manage to move on so quickly. When Josh finally caught me looking at him, he smiled and waved. Josh never was really the negative type, he was always smiling. I waved back at him and his date, they seemed to have been really kicking it off. I told my friends that I'd go and get punch. Partially because I didn't want to be a downer. I didn't understand. It just felt like something was missing.


When I put on my consume, I was ready to go. I had on some dark jeans and I wore a leather muscle-tee. I'd gotten these black circle lenses and put on my red devil horns. "Mike!" I yelled out from the car, "hurry your ass up I'm gonna be late to pick Danielle up!"

Soon, Mike appeared out of the front door and we were on our way to Danielle's. Stopping in front of her house, I knocked on her door. But I was surprised when I didn't see her. Instead, a guy with short blond hair and an olive complexion answered the door. He looked older, he had a beard. He looked at me confusingly, "Can I help you?" He asked.

I lifted my eyebrow, "can I help you?" I shot back.

He chuckled, "look kid, I don't know who you are, but please leave."

I rolled my eyes, "piss off, I'm picking up my girlfriend if you don't mind. And who are you again?"

He crossed his arms, rubbing his beard, "Dave. Wait, your girlfriend as in who?"

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