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You know that phrase 'you don't realize what you have, until it's gone' ? Well that's exactly what I felt. I've never ever, ever in my life, had felt so guilty and helpless, "n-no, no!" I shouted in anger, getting to the top of the waterfall, "Kellin!" I shouted. He was falling backwards in the canoe, "V-vic!" His soft voice screamed. I swear I was looking at him like he was the only thing that mattered. I watched as he fell into the deep water. Nope. No. I am going to save me boyfriend and nobody is fucking stopping me.

"I'm jumping." I said to Austin, he shook his head, pulling me back.

"Vic that's dangerous, you could die. Why don't we just go back to camp and see who's there to help-"

But I ignored Austin, as I threw on my hoodie, and jumped. I put my hands out in front of me as I was diving in, I took a deep breath as I hit the water.

I opened my eyes underneath the surface, and swam around, looking for Kellin. It didn't take to long to find him, he was slowly descending deep underneath the surface and I swam as fast as I could, desperately seeking him. He just meant so much to me and I couldn't have him gone, I wouldn't ever be able to live with myself. I spread my arms out in front of me as I finally reached Kellin,

 I spread my arms out in front of me as I finally reached Kellin,

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It was like he was frozen and he looked so disturbed. He wasn't struggling, but his shimmering green eyes were violently open, and his long cardigan that he was wearing vanished. As he was still sinking, I took the time to swim over to him. I caught his waist with my one arm, and swam upwards with another. He just felt so lifeless against me and I hated it. It took forever to reach the up to the shore, but when I did, I was met with a completely different area,

 It took forever to reach the up to the shore, but when I did, I was met with a completely different area,

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When I rose up, I shook my hair and saw his hands against the water,

When I rose up, I shook my hair and saw his hands against the water,

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 I admired his hands for s second, and then I quickly brought Kellin up to a rock

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I admired his hands for s second, and then I quickly brought Kellin up to a rock. His body was so light and his wet clothes clung to his small body. His jet-black hair was wet and stringy and some was covering his mouth,

 His jet-black hair was wet and stringy and some was covering his mouth,

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Kellin's skin was so pale. And his body was so cold that it almost stung me. Was he dead? No, no. I'm not going to believe that. I then took my hoodie off and carefully placed it underneath his head. I brought my lips to his mouth, giving him CPR. I took his shirt off.

I pulled away, putting my head to his heart, and pumping once,

I didn't realize the sudden burning sensation in my eyes were tears until I pumped him another time, "c-come on!" I roared, "Kellin wake up- wake up!" But he wasn't moving, his eyes were still wide open as if he were dead

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I didn't realize the sudden burning sensation in my eyes were tears until I pumped him another time, "c-come on!" I roared, "Kellin wake up- wake up!" But he wasn't moving, his eyes were still wide open as if he were dead. I didn't like the idea of thinking about Kellin dying. All of this was too much, I stopped pumping him, and blew into his mouth again. Still no movement. I kept on trying and trying but he wouldn't fucking move! I removed my hands off of him and put my head in my hands.

"I love you, Kellin.." I whispered, as a couple of tears falling out of my eyes. This was so rare, I didn't cry much, at all. But in this situation it seemed so relevant, a part of me shattered, wen I thought of a life without Kellin.

"Please come back, please. I'll come out and I won't be an asshole to you anymore but please come back I miss you so much and I won't act all cocky and I won't be so sarcastic and I'm sorry for hurting you all the time and just please Kellin you're my everything please come back.." I spoke quickly, as my tears strung my face. I was panicking, "please!" I yelled.

I shook my head, "please.." I whispered, as I fitted my hand in his.

I could feel his skin, it was cold.

"you'll never come back, you'll never come back, you'll never come back, you'll never come-"

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