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okay okay i'll stop it with the references now from this point on, there won't be any, anymore hahaha

Fear and so much adrenaline was what I felt. I was waiting for Vic to get done with his football practice, the tape clenched tightly in my hands. I really, really, hoped that this would work. If it didn't, then I don't know what else I would do. Yeah, Alan's pep-talk helped me with confidence a bit, but I couldn't keep on chasing him around like this. School was almost over, and we were soon going to have to start applying for colleges and moving on with our lives. But you see, that scared me. Would Vic be in my future? Or is he just a silly high-school crush that'll eventually pass? It stressed me out too much.

I was interrupted from my thoughts, when someone had touched my shoulder. I shifted my weight to behind me, and I saw that it was Patricia, she smiled at me brightly, "Hey, Kellin. What're you doing out here?"

"Just waiting for someone."

"Oh," she paused, "well..you know ever since you've left the spirit squad we've really been bad with the whole painting and decorating, you know?"

I let out a short breath, "you know what, sign me up again. It's stupid of me to not go because of some guy who broke up with me."

"Ah, who broke up with you?"

"It's nothing. Anyway, what do you need help wit? is it the fliers?"

"Well, not really. We have that under control I just need someone to paint and draw the card-board cut-out clowns that we're going to be displaying, you know?"

"Oh," I spoke, "well i'm a really good drawer, I don't really know a painter."

She smiled, her hazel eyes gleaming in the sunlight, "well then we'll just get Vic to do it. " She said, as she wrote something in her notebook she'd pulled out from her backpack.

"I don't think that's a good idea.." I mumbled, pulling my legs to the side of the bench and flattening out my shirt, "we're in this fight..and just no." As much as i'd wanted to see him again, i'd hate to be forced to work with him, he's already in m drama class.

"Okay, well there's always Ed. He's an amazing painter too, but for some reason he doesn't really show up to class as much."

I nodded, "that's okay, I don't mind." Patricia and I had talked about nothing in particular, and then eventually her ride was there so she had to leave. It was about fifteen more minutes, until football practice ended. I then saw them go inside their locker-rooms. Vic, he's always last. So I waited, and waited for everyone to leave. Oddly enough, this reminded me of the time we had our last fight. But this would go incredibly different. I then proceeded to walk off the bleachers. When my feet hit the ground, I saw him walking, as he drank from a waterbottle.

"Vic," I say. And he looked over at me confusingly, "don't go, just hear me out." I said, as I walked over to him.

I couldn't read his face, it was a mix of emotions, actually, he licked his lips, and put on his snapback, "what is it?" he asked me, staring up at the sun, and then back to me.

I looked down at my hands, "just listen to this." I spoke, handing him the tape recorder. Everything in me right now was relying on Alan.

Vic was going to press the button, but then he stopped, as he looked at me, "wait; i'm sorry for punching Alan in the face and I was being an idiot that day..I've wanted to talk to you about this but I've been so busy with Danielle-"

I rolled my eyes, and put my hands on my hips, "Just listen to the recording, okay?"

He exhaled, and pressed the button. But something was wrong, it kept on replaying itself and glitiching, Vic gazed at me, raising one eyebrow, "well?"

I sighed, "give me that." He then handed it to me, and I hit the device a couple of times but it still kept on glitching and pausing, I groaned.

Vic chuckled a little, "what was on it?"

I played with my fingernails, looking down at the ground, "well, long story short," I say, my gaze flickering back up to his eyes, "is that it was a recording of Danielle saying that she wasn't pregnant."

He then shook his head, "Kellin I love you, but you're being unrealistic."

I didn't know whether to be upset or done for? I took a deep breath, "Vic, i'm serious right now. Danielle and her friends are all playing you, she isn't pregnant."

He looked upset now, and he rolled his eyes, walking away from me, and I followed him for a bit, "if you still don't believe me take her to an actual hospital to see how the 'baby' is doing, " I said, putting my hands in quotes.

Vic shook his head, "I need to go to Danielle's house, later Kellin."

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