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^I don't have a pic for this chapter so enjoy my favorite ptv song💕 sad chapter :p

Danielle had smiled up at Vic, and pecked his cheek, "come on , Jessica. We're going to be late for math."

Jessica had walked past me with her head up, and Danielle and her had left. Vic was frozen in his tracks, and I didn't know what to do or say. I was just so sad, upset, angry, and devastated all at once. My eyes were burning with tears, I couldn't even look at Vic anymore. I started running away to the field, but he called after me.

"No!" I screamed, as I ran faster, with tears falling down my face. At this hour, everyone was inside and so the football field was completely empty. Looking up, I saw the dark clouds that cast over the sun. Rain. Great.

Just then, I felt Vic try and hold my hand but I yanked my arm away from him. I was tired of the Danielle bullshit. If he's dating her then should just tell me and not go kissing her behind my back. I shoved Vic's chest, and glared at him angrily, "leave me the hell alone." I spat, as I turned.

"Kellin, no wait I can explain," he held my arm.

"No don't touch me!" I cried even more, my eyeliner probably running down my face, "we're done. I am tired of your fucking shit! You're just some- some Fuckboy who ruined my life from the beginning I should have never started talking to you again!" I screamed at him.

Vic had a hurt expression, and he wiped his eyes, and they were bloodshot, "Danielle's pregnant, and it's mine." He blurted out, as he searched my eyes.

What the fuck was going on? So I was right, "you cheated on me?!" I sobbed, putting my head in my hands, "w-with her?"

He tried to hug me but I pushed him away again, looking up, "NO! Don't fucking touch me!"

Vic threw his arms up, and he gazed at me brokenly, "Kellin this happened before we ever got together the condom ripped and she said it was nothing but it was before the field trip-"

"Bullshit." I said, not wanting to believe anything Vic was saying. I was just so mad, I couldn't even breathe and it felt like a thousand needles were stabbing at my skin, waiting for me to bleed. It then started to rain heavily,

"Kellin," his voice sounded tattered, and two tears sprang out of his left eye, he wiped them quickly away, and the rain was soaking his hair, "please hear me out

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"Kellin," his voice sounded tattered, and two tears sprang out of his left eye, he wiped them quickly away, and the rain was soaking his hair, "please hear me out. I never meant for any of this to happen-"

"Well it fucking did." I snapped, as I crossed my arms.

He scoffed at me, "you're being a child!"

"And Danielle is having one. Life's just full of surprises, isn't it?" I spoke, walking away from him. I was so done, and so angry, I didn't want to believe it but the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. A father. He's going to be a father.

"Kellin don't walk away-"

I rolled my eyes out of disgust, "you don't tell me what to fucking do you prick!" I shouted at him, and then I turned around to look at him. His were puffy and he bawled his fists out of anger.

"I love you, Kellin please don't break this off. What we have is great and I don't want to loose it-"

I groaned, as I rushed up to Vic, and pushed him with force. He fell onto the wet grass, and he looked up at me, "I don't love you anymore." I said, gritting my teeth.


"No." I said, and a lukewarm tear sprang out of my eye, "I-I'm breaking up with you." I said sharply, with my arms crossed and the rain washing over us as if we were sand in the ocean.

"Okay." whispered, staring at the ground. He didn't move, he didn't speak anymore. So I left him there.

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