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Kellin's house^

Mad. Angry. Upset. Miserable. Devastated, and mortified. I was feeling all these emotions all at once and my head was spinning. I didn't know who to be mad at anymore! I didn't know what to think! I thought about things for awhile as I drove in the car. What if Danielle's baby actually was Vic's and Vic reacted the way that he did previously? We'd still be in the same situation. I know I got mad at him for no reason and I completely exploded, but he still decided not I tell me something and it really got to me. Danielle on the other hand..what I felt for her was pure hatred now. Okay, maybe not hate..but I strongly disliked her. She's ruining my life! And literally all because she can't accept the fact that Vic isn't interested in her anymore so she's forcing him to be with her with a baby that isn't even hers! I pulled up to my house, and slammed on the breaks violently. I was just so fucking done it was the worst day ever as if things could get any worse! And it's not like I can tell Vic or my friends about what Danielle said to me because those pictures could leak and then Vic would get so angry he'd probably kill Alan or Garret. No, Austin might kill me and so would Jessica because I basically made out with their boyfriends! Fuck.

I then got out of my car, and walked up to my door and opened it.

But I stared in confusion as a familiar-looking ginger boy was sitting on the floor flipping through a magazine,

But I stared in confusion as a familiar-looking ginger boy was sitting on the floor flipping through a magazine,

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He looked at me shockingly, "K-Kellin?"


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