
251 19 7

Jaime's room^


I brushed my hair in the mirror and washed my face, "yo I can't wait to see Kellin in a bikini." I said. I could just picture it now, "you know he gave me a fashion show last night." I said with pride, as I took off my shirt and putting on a muscle tee.

Jaime chuckled, "what else did you do?"

"Pft, we made out like all night."

He nudged me with a laugh, "Score, dude!"

Just then, my phone started to ring. I sighed, seeing they it was Danielle, I answered it, "hey."

"You sound so dull honey.." She laughed, "anyways, can you come over?"

"No. I'm going to a pool party tonight." I said, as I looked at my arms in the mirror.

"Wow so you don't care about our child now? You don't want to support it?" I heard her cry.

I face-palmed myself, "n-no, Danielle don't cry," I said in a panicked tone. I had no idea how to handle pregnant women, it sort of freaked me out. Hence, why I'm gay.

She stopped crying, "great, so you're coming over?!"

I sighed in dissapointment. It's not like I could do anything, the kid's mine and I had to be there for it at all times, "yeah, guess so."

I opened snapchat,
Vic💯is typing...
Vic💯: can't go to the party tonight sorry😶👌🏽

Ten minutes later

Kells💕is typing....
Kells💕: oh..why?

Vic💯 is typing...
Vic💯: The mother of my child problems 🙄🙄🙄

Kells💕 is typing...
Kells💕: oh okay..😒✨

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