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When Halsey and I pulled up to school, we turned off the radio and exited out of her pink convertible. She smiled, "let's rock this bitch."

I rolled my eyes, laughing at her. This was senior year, we were going to graduate this year and nothing was going to stop me from having the time of my life. Last year was a mess and I wished it never happened, but oh well. Halsey and I were talking about different brands of makeup as we entered the school, it wasn't soon until our other two friends had joined us, Melissa and Hayley.

"Kellin I love your new hair, oh my god did you cut it?" Asked Melissa, as she brightly smiled at me,

"Kellin I love your new hair, oh my god did you cut it?" Asked Melissa, as she brightly smiled at me,

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I tangled a strand of my hair absently as she mentioned it, "um..yeah, thanks." I spoke. I was too distracted, though. I kept on thinking about the picture Vic posted. He just looked so different, it was so weird.

"HEY GIRLS!" an excited voice chirped, looking up, I saw that it was a tall, pale ginger girl with a black cheerleading uniform on, "oh, and Kellin," she giggled,

"But anyways! I just wanted to remind you guys about the cheerleading squad! You all should really look into signing up because we could use some more people on our squad!!" She spoke excitedly, I wanted to sort of pull her aside and ask her about...

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"But anyways! I just wanted to remind you guys about the cheerleading squad! You all should really look into signing up because we could use some more people on our squad!!" She spoke excitedly, I wanted to sort of pull her aside and ask her about Vic, though. But she was so eager and excited it actually scared me. I just couldn't believe Vic was dating her, she didn't seem like his type. But then again, we hadn't spoken all summer, I didn't know what he liked anymore..

Halsey met eye contact with me, and then she looked back at Danielle, she laughed forecfully, "oh yeah, totally Danielle."

She nodded with another bright smile, "okay, later guys!"

When she was gone, Melissa mimicked, "later guys!"

I gently hit her shoulder and chuckled, "um, no that's mean..the last thing we want our group to be is mean."

"Whatever, Kells.." She rolled her eyes, "aw, I love them so much. I ship it."

"Ship what?"

She showed me her phone, and it was on Instagram, "Danielle just posted this and I know I just talked about her but just look,"

She showed me her phone, and it was on Instagram, "Danielle just posted this and I know I just talked about her but just look,"

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I groaned deeply, as I shoved the phone back in her hands. "I'm going to find Josh, bye."

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