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Kellin's outfit^

Spirit squad, spirit squad, spirit squad. And guess who was here with me, in the same exact class at the same exact period? Vic. When I looked over at him he waved to me and gave me a huge fake smile. I ignored him. Why was he doing this? He was just bugging me so much and it wasn't fair because it was starting to rekindle emotions that I thought I had buried a long time ago. I'm with Josh, I'm with a Josh, I'm with Josh-

"Kellin, you're with Vic." Said Patricia, the president of the spirit squad, "um Hayley you're with-"

"What?" I said a bit too loudly, causing everyone to look at me.

She had an awkward look, as she gazed from the broom clipboard, and back up at me, "you're paired with Vic..."she said.

"Why? His last name is Fuentes, my last name is Quinn

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"Why? His last name is Fuentes, my last name is Quinn." I said, moving my hands as I spoke to her.

She sighed, glaring at me,

"I don't have time for this, okay? Vic

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"I don't have time for this, okay? Vic..he won't harm anybody. Aren't you two like bestfriends?"

Everyone laughed, she was so late. The bell then rang, and everybody scurried out of the classroom. I did the same, I didn't want to see Vic's reaction to my mini tantrum. Third period was math and just no. Fourth was science and it was okay because Josh was in my class but I still felt sort of uneasy around him because Vic is messing with my head. He keeps on doing things to me and I want him to stop but at the same time I'm curious as to what would happen if he kept going. My mind was all over the place.

When science was over I rushed out of the door to avoid Josh and made my way to the gym. Today was cheerleading try-outs and Halsey convinced me to do it so why not? The gym was big,

 Today was cheerleading try-outs and Halsey convinced me to do it so why not? The gym was big,

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And everyone was sort of off to a corner sitting in a large circle. When I approached the circle, I saw Hayley and decided to sit with her, I put my gym bag beside her and listened in on the gossip. Hayley turned to me, "oh hey Kellin! I didn't know you were into this.."

I smiled, "yeah Halsey was all like 'you'll love it' and I was like 'oh honey do you know me? I hate sports' and then she's all like 'trust me it'll be fun plus you get to wear cute short shorts' and then I was like 'oh sweetie then count me in

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I smiled, "yeah Halsey was all like 'you'll love it' and I was like 'oh honey do you know me? I hate sports' and then she's all like 'trust me it'll be fun plus you get to wear cute short shorts' and then I was like 'oh sweetie then count me in.' "

Hayley laughed, "sounds like you."

Just then, someone blew a whistle, and looking up, I saw that it was Danielle. She smiled brightly, "welcome to cheer tryouts we're like totally happy to have like new girls and guys like oh-em-ge!" She squealed, "kay-Kay so basically the squad is gonna put on a beat and like you guys are going to like dance to it and like whoever can't pickup like the beat right then like you're disqualified and like you don't want to be disqualified like..oh-em-gee..so like, are you guys like ready??!"

I wanted to hit myself with a book because 'like' she was annoying me wig the 'likes' but everyone cheered with enthusiasm and so I did the same. The beat wasn't that hard to catch onto and the dances moves I liked a lot. They were easy and simple. As time went by more and more students got disqualified and it was down to just seven people. When the music turned off, Danielle, Halsey, and some girl named Lorde told everyone but the last seven to leave.

"Guys, so since you're all the last seven left, you're all invited to our cheerleader sleepover tonight!" Halsey cheered, waving her Pom-pins in the air. I said my goodbyes to them, got my gym bag, and I left. It was so exhausting and honestly I'm glad I made it in.

Walking out of the gym and to my car, I was surprised when I saw Josh there waiting for me. I rested my bag on the hood of my car, "uh..hey?"

He looked up from his phone, " 'hey?' That's all you have to say to me?"

I laughed sarcastically, "uh..hello?" I spoke, "what're you doing here?"

He blinked at me and looked at me as if I were crazy. He zipped up his brown jacket and his coffee eyes looked into my forest ones, "I'm your boyfriend, Kellin. I can't wait for you to be done with practice? And you didn't even greet me with a kiss or anything.." Josh spoke quickly, and then he held my hand. 

I sighed, "um, sorry.." I spoke, as I let go of his hand and opened my car door, "well anyways, bye."

He then leaned forward to kiss me, but I dodged it. I don't know why, I just wasn't feeling it? "Uh..foundation, Josh. I have on foundation." I said quickly, and he had a sorry look on his face.

"Alright..bye." He mumbled, as he shut the door and walked away.

I don't understand what's going on between us all summer Josh was like my everything and now? I wasn't so sure.

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