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Vic's room^

What Kellin's wearing to work on the project with Vic^

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What Kellin's wearing to work on the project with Vic^

"So where's your easel?" I asked Vic, admiring his room. It was small, but it said so much about him and it changed so much over summer. His walls were no longer full of posters with video games and anime. But now, it was full of cars, rock band posters, and the usual, girls on cars. I sat on his all-too-familiar bed.
"Oh, right.." He said. I watched as he looked up under his bed, and pulled out something that was not an easel.

I started laughing, "y-you dumbass that's a tripod!" I laughed, not being able to contain myself

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I started laughing, "y-you dumbass that's a tripod!" I laughed, not being able to contain myself.

Vic snorted, "how was I supposed to know?"

I chuckled at him, "you got an art easel mixed up with a tripod?" I grinned at him, "Vic that's a little funny."

"No it's not, now shutup."

I threw my hands up and looked at him innocently, but then I bursted out laughing again. Vic smirked darkly, "oh I'll give you something to laugh about." Was what he said. And at first I didn't know what he meant or was saying, but he came up from behind me and began tickling me everywhere.
"V-Vic," I laughed, as his strong arms picked me up. I was literally dying of laughter and I couldn't stop. I then got out of his grasp, but he chased be around his room.

I ran into his closet and playfully smiled at him through the crack. Just then, he yanked the closet door open and tackled me with more tickling. I threw my head back and giggled some more, as he started tickling my thighs. He picked me up this time, and pressed me against a wall, and I wrapped both my legs around his waist as he began to tickle my stomach. But suddenly he stopped, and looked at me. A moment ago it was all fun and games. But now? It was all serious. We looked at one another for a few minutes, my arms still around his neck, and my legs still wrapped around his waistline. He did something unexpected. He slipped his hand up my denim shorts, and he cupped my ass. I bit my lip slowly.

"Do you like that?" He asked, his eyes flickering down to my lips, and then back up to my eyes, "tell me, Kitten..do you?"

I wanted to submissively nod back to him. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted so many things, but I wasn't a cheater. Sure, Danielle was a bitch but I still won't let him cheat on her with me. I exhaled slowly, "w-we need to get started on the project.." I mumbled, gazing at his full lips.

Vic then pressed himself against me, brushing a strand of my dark hair beneath my ear, "can't the project wait?"

"You're with Danielle." I whispered. I think the realization hit him for a moment, but he shook his head.

"You're.." He put my legs down, "you're right." Vic spoke, and I removed my arms from around his neck. "We're friends."

"Let's just start the project okay?" I said quickly, pulling out a paper and pencil from my bag. "So it's a costume-themed party and the color schemes are black and blue. And you drew a really good flower in class once so you could outline that, and I could paint everything in."I spoke, already writing my ideas down. We sat on the floor in front of his bed, and I could feel Vic's gaze on me.

"Danielle wants me to cut my hair she hates it long that's why I always pull it back in a beanie." He spoke.

I snapped out of whatever I was drawing and looked to him in confusion, "what the fuck? It's your hair."

He chuckled, "she says it looks sexy pulled back."

True. But both ways were fine.

He finally looked to me, licking his lips, "do you think my hair looks sexy pulled back?"

I sighed, and I turned to him, fixing my sweater, "stop flirting with me, okay? I'm trying to be serious about this project so please pay attention, Vic." I ranted, raking a hand through my hair.

He chuckled, "alright, Doll. What's on your mind?"

He flirted with me again, but I didn't mind him. I told him about what I had in mind for the spirit squad mural and we seemed to work good together. We even exchanged a few laughs. It was nice m, it all felt so good to re-connect with my Ex bestfriend. But the feelings where what I couldn't ever seem to get rid of.

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