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"What the fuck is happening right now?" I spoke. I didn't yell, I couldn't. Just they way Josh kissed Tyler? He'd never kissed me like that. When both of them saw me they both quickly threw their shirts on and Josh had the most priceless expression,

 When both of them saw me they both quickly threw their shirts on and Josh had the most priceless expression,

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"Kellin I'm so sorry.." Josh said, as he got closer to me, "you don't understand-"

I cut him off, "I'll tell you what I don't understand, Josh. Why did you do this, huh? Why. I feel like shit right now because your ass didn't tell me that you were clearly seeing other people. What's left to do, huh? What's left to say? I dint even know if I trust you anymore." I spat with venom, glaring at them both. Tyler leaned his head on Josh's shoulder and whispered 'let's get out of here' and my heart broke into a million pieces. Even though Josh and I were already drifting apart, he didn't have the fucking emotion or common decency to tell me? I had to find out for myself. This could've been going on for years if I hadn't have found them just now. I shook my head, "we're through." I said, and left the bathroom. It felt like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, actually. I pulled out my phone, or went off.

💦Bad bitches group chat💕

Halseyyy💍: hey hoes let's go shopping for the dance on Friday afterschool

Hay-lee✨: lol sure it's gonna be firee up in this bitch we're going to slay

Mel💋: omg totally I'm in!(:

Kelly-bear🍭: ^

Halseyyy💍: greatt get in my car losers, we're going shopping(;

Mel💋: what's wrong with mine?


I chuckled, as I put my phone in my back pocket.

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