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Kellin's pajama's^

"He's too nice..too..Josh." I said to Halsey and Melissa through the other line of the phone. I was scrolling through tumblr and looking at photos. I needed an idea, anyway since I was joining the spirit team. The spirit team got to setup or organize all the school dances and events, and I was pretty good at decorating, so I thought why not.

"But Josh is the perfect boyfriend, Kellin," Melissa gushed, "he came out for you, and he's so nice 'omg'."

I rolled my eyes, as I reblogged something, "that's the thing..I want him to be more like..I mean I want things to be a little more spiced up, he's so boring. Perfect is boring. And how close he is with Tyler is just weird. Tyler is like the only guy who really knows Josh, and I'm his boyfriend!" I ranted.

"Well they're both on the football team." Halsey pointed out.

"What and ever," I started, "he hasn't even told me he loved me yet." I spoke. It's true, we were dating all summer and up until now. I mean my feelings for Josh were conflicted, I was really attracted to him at one point, but for some reason I wasn't feeling it anymore?

I wasn't paying attention to what my two friends were saying, I heard a loud scream coming from outside. I rushed to my window, pulled my pastel curtains aside, and I saw that it was a group of teenager throwing toilet paper rolls and what looked like..eggs? At the house right across from mine. "What the fuck.." I muttered to myself. I wanted to know what was going on and why these guys were vandalizing property. I told my friends that I'd call them later and I got out of my room, rushed downstairs, and eventually outside.


I laughed at Jaime, "dude come on we're gonna get caught.." I whispered, as we ran away from the backyard. It was me, my brother, Josh, Austin, and Oli. Tony was too much of a baby to come with us, but it was whatever though. We decided to have a little fun tonight and tepee houses and might I say, it was fucking lit. I was breathing in and out, waiting for Jaime, Josh  and Mike to finish. I looked at Oliver, "watch them get caught or some dumb shit like that," I chuckled, leaning back on the car.
"Nah mate, watch Jaime trip over a tree trunk and fall on his face."

I snickered, "and Josh'll be sucking up to the house-owner cause we all know he's a softie." I said, as I crossed my arms.

Oliver looked at me and laughed, "yeah..ever since he came out he's just been like that."

I didn't comment on that. I don't know why, but I didn't. It's because it's something that I've struggled with since forever. I was about to say something else, when I heard someone walking up behind us.

"Why are you all vandalizing property? Don't you guys have anything else better to do?" Whispered a voice. It was high-pitched, and sassy.

I smirked, turning around, "Kellin?"

When he saw me, his face went all flustered. I bit my lip. Damn, though. He wore an oversized pale sweater and tight black thigh-highs. I shook my head out of that, though. I couldn't and shouldn't have been thinking of him that way..ever since he's been cross-dressing..no ever since he told me..ah, fuck feelings.

He pulled up his thigh-high, looking back up at me,

He pulled up his thigh-high, looking back up at me,

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I bit my lip again. Fuck. I sighed, "who stuck a cactus up your ass?" I snickered, peering at Kellin.

He rolled his eyes, "you know what this is just a waste of time. Have fun getting arrested."

Oli narrowed his eyes with a slight grin, "listen, love nobody's gettin' arrested, Kay?" He spoke to him.

Kellin was shivering, and he wrapped his arms around himself, "y-yes you are. A neighbor is going to hear you guys just like I did, and-"

"You seem really worried about us, Kellin." I said, just to mess with him. I hated that he hated me now. I wanted us to be close again, I wanted to actually talk to him, but he didn't budge. So I figured I'd keep on messing with him until he broke down. We made eye contact but he then looked away.

"Alright, it's done and finished guys, the whole house is covered in ass-wiping paper!" Jaime said in exclamation, as he gave Josh a high five.

I groaned, "why do you call it 'ass-wiping paper'? That's lame."

Jaime rolled his eyes, "potatoe potata-" he stopped himself, "wait, what's he doing here?" He asked, as he
pointed to Kellin.

"Baby?" It was Josh that spoke. Oh man the cringe. Really? Baby? "Why are you here?" Josh asked, and right then and there he fucked up. Kellin was about to explode.

"Oh, so would you rather me not be here?" Kellin asked, but he rolled his eyes, "what and ever..I'm going back home." He said, turning back around. Well that was unexpected.

Just then, flashing red and blue lights shine in all of our faces, "Freeze!" Said the cop who had gotten out of the car, "anything you say or do right now will be held against you!"

I put my hands up.

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