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i don't have a side pic, but I love this live video of today I saw the whole world<3 ^


I wanted to kiss Kellin, I wanted to believe him, but I didn't know who to believe anymore. I told him I had to leave, as I got in my car and drove away to Danielle's house. I just wanted to go all back, to where it was the beginning of summer, where school was ending, and I honestly wished that day at Kellin's mom's wedding never happened. But I kept on thinking about what he was saying, it's like it was all starting to sink in for some reason. And then it hit ; why would Kellin ever lie to me? Why would he say something that isn't true. Obviously he hid the pictures of him at the party so I wouldn't find out and get upset, so why would he even think to lie about something as serious as a pregnancy? I thought about all of this as I stopped in front of her house.

I got out of my car, and knocked on the door. She answered it five minutes later, with a large smile on her face, "Honey-"

"Danielle? Can you be serious for one minute?" I asked her with passion, "can you be really honest when I ask you this question?"

Something shifted in her facial expression, and she looked mortified, "w-what is it?"

I inhaled, and then exhaled, and looked her directly in her eyes, "Danielle are you really pregnant with my kid?"

She blinked away quick, looking down. And that's when I knew. She'd just said everything in that one action, "no, why would I fake a pregnancy?" she asked me, accusingly.

Squaring my shoulders, I nodded, "okay, well I need to see test results. Actual papered test results, and we should go down to the hospital and take an actual DNA test, just to make sure." I spoke, testing her. If she wanted to be a baby, I was going to be an adult.

"N-no," she sighed, and then she leaned her head against the doorframe, "who told you this, was it Gee?"

I widened my eyes, and raised one eyebrow, "it was actually Kellin. So, you told all your friends that you were pregnant with my baby? You aren't even pregnant?" I wasn't surprised, just disappointed. It was only because I was expecting so much. It all got me so hype, I thought the baby was real, I thought I was actually going to have a child, so the fact that she wasn't telling the truth the whole entire time? Something shattered in me. I had names planned, she played me, and I actually believed her. I blew off Jaime for her, I blew off Kellin for her, I singled so many people out in my life all for her because I thought thagt she was actually pregnant.

She looked at me in mortification, and her eyes started to water, "No." Danielle shook her head, "I-i'm, not pregnant. I had a miscarriage two weeks ago." she said truthfully, "you hate me, right?"

I sighed deeply, letting all this sink in. I had to be reasonable, I couldn't explode on her, but the anger was still there. I tried to hide it, as I searched her eyes, "I don't hate you. I'm just really pissed off, Danielle." I said, "I dumped my boyfriend all because of a situation you put him in."

She rolled her eyes, "oh please. Kellin did that to himself, who told you that I blackmailed him with those pictures of him going crazy?"

I gasped, "you blackmailed Kellin?" I said, looking at her in disgust. So that's why Kellin didn't want to tell me about the pictures, he kept it away from me because Danielle had those pictures, she threatened him.

"Oh come on, Vic, it's not so bad."

I was done with her. Kellin was right all along and I looked like a complete idiot. All those times he's told me about Danielle not being pregnant, and lying to me, were true. She was a manipulator, "you're fucking insane!" I shouted at her, turning away. She shouted my name a couple of times, but I never looked back. It's like a burden was lifted from my shoulders. And I knew what I had to do now.

I had to get Kellin back. I'd made a huge mistake.

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