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No side pic, but enjoy my favorite song by the Beatles ^ it's Elanor Rigby💕

There's going to be little to no drama for the last few chapters it'll be there it just won't be brutal lol, also the story is nearing the end(:

There's going to be little to no drama for the last few chapters it'll be there it just won't be brutal lol, also the story is nearing the end(:

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Kellin's outfit

After the carnival happened, Vic and all my friends had surprised me once again. It turns out, that everyone knew about this and it was all a plan to get Vic and I back together. So after everything had happened, they told me that they'd all organized for us to have a small mini Vacation at a hotel resort away from our town. I was excited yet thrilled to be here. I mean, all my close friends were here including Vic's, sure. But Vic and I were going to share a hotel room..we were going to be really alone. It wasn't going to be like the time we went camping, we had a whole room to ourselves. When all of us had gotten to the resort I awed at how beautiful it was,

 When all of us had gotten to the resort I awed at how beautiful it was,

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"I can't believe you guys all paid for this.." I mumbled, walking through the two large doors that led to the hotel lobby.

Halsey laughed, "it's the least we could do, we felt really bad about you and Vic breaking up so we got together with Jaime, Oliver and Austin and they all were in on the idea so we all pitched in to pay for this

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Halsey laughed, "it's the least we could do, we felt really bad about you and Vic breaking up so we got together with Jaime, Oliver and Austin and they all were in on the idea so we all pitched in to pay for this. We even got Patricia to help us with the funds because she's like crazy good with numbers."

I smiled, hugging them all individually, "you guys are the bestest friends ever."

Hayley chuckled, "that isn't a word," she spoke, putting her hands on her hips."

I then sat down on a lobby sofa, putting my two bags down, "where's all the guys? We can't check on without them." I asked my friends. We decided to take different cars to get to the hotel, but they were taking so long.

Melanie sat beside me, and tested her head on my shoulder, "well I just texted them all in the groupchat and-"

"Woo! Hotel time! Time to get fucking lit!" I heard someone shout loudly, as a bunch of voices cheered. When we all turned our heads, we saw that it was Jaime that hollered, and following him was Vic, Austin, and Oliver.

"They are literally so fucking loud." Hayley spoke, with her arms crossed.

I laughed at her, waving my hands in the air to get all their attention, "hey, we're all over here!" I exclaimed.

When Vic noticed me, he nudged Jaime and soon all of them started to walk towards us. They greeted us and we all were pretty much joking and fooling around in the lobby until we all checked in.

We'd all gone up the elevator and were now in the hall and Vic and Jaime were being idiots. "Yo Jaime, bust another rap!" Oliver says, hitting shoulder.

I laughed out loud, "oh god no, did you really just say 'bust a rap' ?"

My friends laughed, "okay true." Halsey spoke.

Jaime then stopped walking and looked over to Vic, we were holding hands, "nah, nah I'm gonna give the floor to Vic this time."

Vic chuckled, and then Oliver began to hit the wall and made make a beat, "big shirts are the best, small shirts are fucking sick, and you know what they say big shirt big-"

He stopped, and smirked down at me. He gave me a look and that's when I knew what to say, I giggled and hid my face in embarrassment, "dick."

"Yoooooooooooooo!" Everyone shouted, and cheered at Vic and I.

Dear god, this trip was going to be interesting....

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