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Kellin's outfit^

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Kellin's outfit^

When cheerleading practice was over, I waited on the field for Hayley to get done with Tennis. It was so hot today and I hated it. But I didn't forget how Vic made me feel..it's like my head was spinning from after what happened in the storage room. Imagine going camping with him next Monday. Bye-bye virginity. I laughed at myself. No..I couldn't ever do that. I mean, it'd have to be the right moment, when he's really into his feelings and not being some perv. Speaking of Vic, the football team just finished up and they were heading into the lockers. I saw Vic pour water on himself and shake his hair. He took his dirty practice shirt off, and the sun glistened on his skin. I needed to stop this. I decided to post a picture on Instagram because I was bored. I chose a mirror pic of taken last week. After twelve minutes, I checked my feed on Instagram to see who liked and commented on it.

 After twelve minutes, I checked my feed on Instagram to see who liked and commented on it

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'My outfit a week ago. My ass looked nice💋'

Mel.martinez12: omg I love your shirt(: !

Lynngvn: 💦💦💦💦

MelissaJoan_Heart: Slay bestiee

Hal.sey: 💕💕💕let me borrow that shirt I swear

Baller.15: answer your dm(;

Bren_urie: i have your math homework can you answer your texts?

AustinCarlile:  damn. Alan is going to kill me for commenting that ^

12Alan12: yes, yes he is @austincarlile 😡😡

Ed_sh_eeran_12: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

I raised one eyebrow. Who the fuck was Ed Sheeran? I tried to think of his name and who he was but nothing came to mind. But then someone else commented, too.

Vic.Fuentes: @Ed_sh_eeran12 leave 😂

Joshdun: hahaha true^

Tylerjoe: ^ why?

Joshdun: @tylerjoe 😂 text me babe

Xomissdanielle: pft. pathetic.

Hal.sey: bitch if you have a problem say it to Kellin's face and stop hiding behind a screen. @xomissdanielle

I rolled my eyes, deleting both her comment and Halsey's, and blocking her. I was grateful that Halsey stood up for me though. But it made me sort of smile that Vic got jealous of a random follower on Instagram of mine. I laughed to myself. He actually told him to leave.

"Hey Kellin, wait..what're you smiling about?" Asked Hayley. I looked up at her, she must've finished practice.

I shrugged, "oh nothing..lets go." I said, getting up. We walked down the bleachers and started talking about different perfumes, until she brought it up again.

"Something happened. You've been smiling down at your phone. Spill." She demanded.

I rolled my eyes, "oh my god what and ever..it's nothing."

She laughed out loud, "Kellin? You just said 'what and ever' it's obvious that whatever happened is bothering you."

I sighed, she knew me so well. I then pulled her arm where a lot of people weren't and I raked a hand through my hair, "okay..so Vic and I are dating.." I whispered.

She squeaked, and jumped up and down, "oh my god I fucking knew it bitches!" She shouted, and a few people looked at her weirdly. She glared at them, "oh fuck off we're talking about-"

I dragged her away from that, and into the bathroom. I checked to see if anyone was there, and they weren't.

"Hayley, this is a secret. He hasn't come out yet."

"Oh..." She spoke, "okay I'll keep it on the low. But are you going to tell Halsey or Melissa?"

"Tell us what?" I heard Halsey ask, when they both walked into the bathroom.

"Him and Vic are dating secretly because Vic hasn't come out yet." Hayley blurted out. I gave her an annoyed look.


But Melissa started jumping up and down and Hayley squealed, "oh. My. God." They said at the same time, "tell me more! Was it love at first sight?"

I laughed, propping myself up on the sink. I shook my head, "no..no..he's a total perv. He like pressed me against this wall and I'm pretty sure if he had condoms, and if we weren't in a storage room, he would've wall-fucked me."

"Well of course he would! He's a boy. And he has the strength for it I mean have you seen those hands-"

Halsey glared at Melissa, "stop. It's Kellin's boyfriend."

I laughed, rolling my eyes, "no it's okay Halsey I agree with Melissa he has..great hands.." I spoke, in a sing-song voice

"Well now you should practice your tweerking."

I face-palmed myself, "oh god no..I'm terrible at it.."

"It's hella easy!I'll show you." Halsey said. I told her she didn't have to do it but she walked over to the wall, and sure enough,

 I told her she didn't have to do it but she walked over to the wall, and sure enough,

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She was twerking. She then turned around to look at me, "see how my ass is going up and down? I'm pretty sure if you do that he'll-"

"Exuse me?" Said someone who interrupted her. They sounded very angry, and as I looked up at the person, it was the principal, "you all need to get to class, now." He said to us sharply. He didn't have to tell me twice. I rushed out of the bathroom, but he stopped me.

"Actually, I need you in my office, Mr. Quinn."

I then followed him into the hallway. Was I in trouble?

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