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Kellin's cheerleading outfit, sorry for the shítty quality😂^

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Kellin's cheerleading outfit, sorry for the shítty quality😂^

The football game was great. It was the third time I've ever cheered and I had to say, it was pretty fun. We went over the moves to everything and danced to the music and even got cat-called a couple of times. Soon, the boys on the football team began to play and the score was intense. We were so close to winning that I could feel it. When fifteen minutes were up, and the third quarter was over, we went back out and began to cheer. I got slightly distracted, as I saw Vic laugh at Oliver and pour Gatorade all over himself. His muscles flexed through his football padding and I didn't realize I bit my lip until I tasted blood. Then, he turned his head and caught my eyes. Fuck. I turned away as half-time was over and they played again. The other team was loosing and Haywood, our school, was winning. Soon third quarter was over and we cheered once more and the other team booed us, as we won for the last quarter.

Everyone jumped up and down in excitement as we won the game. It was actually a pretty great feeling. Halsey and Melissa had high-fived and hugged me and as we all ran out of the stadium.

"Yo! Party at my house, my parents are gone!" Yelled Oliver, and everyone cheered at him. I decided to not engage in any partying this time, last time I really fucked up. I told Melissa and Halsey that I was going to wait around for Vic, and when they asked me why I told them it was for 'spirit squad' purposes. And then they eventually let me go and hopped in a random car, off to Oliver's party.

The stadium was empty, and Vic was the last one to come out. I guess he decided to shower and change in the locker rooms. He had on some dark jeans and a black shirt, his hair was wet, too. He was going to walk past me, but I spoke, "hey.."

He stopped in his tracks, and turned to me, "Kellin?"

I sighed, "just sit next to me, okay?"

He faltered at first, but then Vic sat beside me, and raked a hand through his hair, "what is it?"

He didn't sound upset, he didn't seem angry, he didn't even sound desperate. Was he even upset? I guess he was really good when it came to hiding emotions.

I took a risky move, I inches my hand towards his, and laced our fingers, "I'm sorry." I said.

Vic looked down at our hands, "why?"

I bit my bottom lip. I couldn't tell him that Danielle's baby wasn't his, not just yet. I'd have to wait for the right time to say it. It wasn't like I was lying, just waiting. "I've..d-decided.." I said, searching for my words, "that I'll accept the fact that you got Danielle pregnant. I don't care, I just want to be with you."

Lies, lies, and lies. If this situation were actually true I'd probably never take Vic back, but he was being played by a bitch who happened to also be a snake. I couldn't fuck with that just yet. I didn't exactly have a plan, but I was going to tell Vic at atleast one point. Just not now.

I saw Vic smile in the darkness of the night, "alright. But can I try something?"

I nodded, "sure." I say.

Vic then brought my chin up to his face, and kissed me. I sighed against his lips, as he stroked my hair, and pulled me in closer to him, his arm around my waist. Vic then pulled away gently, as he bit on my top lip, and an accidental moan escapes my lips.

I looked away in embarrassment, "hey, look at me?"

I rolled my eyes, giggling slightly, and then I looked at him, "what?"

"I almost lost you..and..I'm sorry for not telling you about what happened."

I kissed his nose, "I forgive you."

He then kissed my neck, "and I, you."

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