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Waiting on Kellin was like waiting on fucking honey pouring out of a bottle. Hated the anticipation, but loved the results. I walked around his room. It was nice, so different to what it used to be. I looked at all the different pictures on his walls. Some were of him, others of him and friends. I traced my finger over one picture that was in a frame,

 I traced my finger over one picture that was in a frame,

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There was a pink sticky note that read 'hella cute. Keeper. 11/25/15"

I chuckled at that picture, but I couldn't help to think how attractive he was. There was just down thing about him cross-dressing and acting all feminine that I really liked. Not that I didn't like Kellin before, because I always have, I was just scared of telling him because of..


A notification sound went off. I looked down, It wasn't my phone. What the fuck. I followed the sound and eventually traced it back to Kellin's bed. It was his phone, and it vibrated. It said that he had gotten a text from Danielle? I didn't know they'd gotten along.

I took his pink phone, reading the messages,

I took his pink phone, reading the messages,

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I put my hand over my mouth as I read that

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I put my hand over my mouth as I read that. What in the actual fuck was going on? What Danielle said was so cruel and it pissed me off so fucking much. She was literally targeting Kellin for no goddamned reason! I groaned deeply. I needed those screenshots, though. I quickly screenshotted everything, as I got out my phone and turned on air drop from both Kellin's phone and mine. I synced the photos from his phone and then I soon received them. I then deleted the screenshots from his phone, and set it right back on his bed. I was still so upset. I needed to do something. Danielle couldn't just get away like this. It wasn't right.

Just then, Kellin walked into the room with a bright smile, "I thought I told you to stay put..."

I smirked faintly, but my mind lingered on the words she said to him. "Are you okay?" He asked gently.

I looked at him, and honestly turning him down was like crushing a puppy, but I needed to think, "nah, I'm just gonna take off.."

"But you just got here."

I rushed past him because if I knew if I were to look in those eyes I'd stay, "bye, Kellin." I muttered.

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