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Kellin's outfit ^

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Kellin's outfit ^

~next day~

Leaving the campsite was nice. I had both loved and hated leaving this place. I mean I had my first time here, and I hated it because I literally almost died. Long story short, the comments on my last picture were blowing up and everyone was questioning Vic and I. I told Melissa, Halsey, and of course Hayley, everything in a three-way call that night in me and Vic's tent. He was with his friends though so he didn't hear me spill almost everything about this new relationship. We were walking inside the bus now and I carried my bags, getting on. Hayley got in first, and then me, and when everybody was settled in the bus started to move. I put in my earbuds and turned to Marina and the diamonds. I gazed out the window, touching my fingertips to the glass. I looked at the sunset through all the other Windows,

 I looked at the sunset through all the other Windows,

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Suddenly my phone screen lit up.

Vic💯 is typing...
Vic💯: sit with me😏

Kells💕is typing...
Kells💕: no wayyy

Vic💯is typing...
Vic💯: whyyy?😢😭

Kells💕is typing...
Kells💕: idk😂 you're going to start touching me..

Vic💯is typing...
Vic💯: is that really soooo bad?

Kells💕is typing...
Kells💕: shh I'm sleeping

Vic💯is typing...
Vic💯: you aren't 😂😏💯💦

Kells💕 is typing....
Kells💕: okay okay I'm comingg😂💝

I turned off my phone and looked to the back of the bus, I knew he was back there I didn't even need to ask. Everyone was either too busy reading, on their phones, or asleep to notice me slowly walk down the small aisle. When I finally reached the back, Vic was playing some game on his phone. I was about to say something, when the bus had stopped and slammed on its breaks violently, causing me to sit in his lap. My legs were spread to both sides of Vic, and he squeezes my ass, his eyes gazing at my lips. When the bus started moving again, I started to get off him but he shook his head.

"No," Vic smirked, "you should stay here. I like you in this seat." He said, moving hair away from my neck and kissing my neck passionately. I bit my lip, holding in my moans. I pulled away.

"No kissing?" He whined.

I smiled brightly at him, pecking his cheek, "just hold me and be innocent for a change."

He snickered, "you're joking."

Ugh. What and ever, I knew he'd only want to do stuff with me. I rolled my eyes, getting off of him, "fuck you." I spoke, turning around, but I tripped over my shoelace and fell.

I didn't even have to see Vic's face to know that he was laughing at me. I suddenly felt him pick me up from behind, and then I was back to where I was, sitting on his lap. "You really thought you could get away?"

I huffed, "don't touch me." I snapped, moving to sit beside him and off if his lap.

"Kitten," Vic said, "you're being stubborn.." He whispered to me. I ignored him, playing on my phone. But suddenly, he lifted my legs to where they were on his lap,

 But suddenly, he lifted my legs to where they were on his lap,

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"What are you doing?" I asked.
Vic chuckled lowly, "you tripped. Your shoes were untied. I'm fixing the problem."

"My hero." I said sarcastically, looking back down at my phone. He then kisses my neck, with my legs still across his lap.

"I try." He said.

The ride was pretty silent, and Vic and I mostly talked to each other the whole time until my eyes began to get heavy and I fell asleep on his shoulder. Vic was no longer a stranger to me, he started to become my favorite person.

No drama, just fluff lol

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