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one of my favorite Melanie songs^


fitting inside a locker was the worst. I was seriously about to scream due to how much I was being squished. I was so lucky that our lockers were big and not incredibly small. I then pressed a button on my tape recorder, this was going to be so good, and Kellin and Vic were going to get back together and Vic would stop hating me. Okay, okay, chill Alan, everything's going to be fine. Just then, I heard Danielle, Jessica, and Gee walk into the locker-rooms like I had predicted. Nice one, Ashby.

"Vic is just so gullible..now I see why he went with Kellin. Gullible and gullible equals even more gullible." Jessica spoke.

"Guys, he's totally going to marry me by the end of the year. All I have to do is keep on acting all sweet and innocent."

"But Danielle, you aren't actually pregnant you had a miscarriage a few days ago, why are you still saying that you are? I don't get it." asked Gee. I had to stop myself from hitting my head on a wall and screaming.

"It's totes obvi, i'll get Vic to fall in love with me again because he's still so worried about his precious Kellin. But anyways, we'll start dating again and i'll tell him I got an abortion, and if he really truly loves me then, he won't care." she laughed, "c'mon, girls. Let's go to the bathroom I need a makeup check."


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